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What should pregnant women pay attention to in daily meals
What should pregnant women pay attention to in daily meals
Beautiful women have a sacred mission to nurture life. Young prospective parents all hope that their future babies will be healthy and smart. A scientific and reasonable health care diet d
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03
Pregnant women do not need to be superstitious tonic
Pregnant women do not need to be superstitious tonic
Healthy pregnant women can get enough nutrients through normal diet during pregnancy. Special constitutions need to be diagnosed and regulated by doctors in regular hospitals. There is no n
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03
Healthy health eat kimchi
Healthy health eat kimchi
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that acid enters the liver, Xin enters the lung, bitter enters the heart, salt enters the kidney, and enters the spleen. That is to say, the five flav
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03
What are the nutritional effects of Tremella
What are the nutritional effects of Tremella
Beijing''s spring is dry and windy, and the bare skin is also rough and dull blown by the sand. The nasal throat is often dry and cracked. It is suffering from torment. For everyone
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03
Eat nutrition and health from food
Eat nutrition and health from food
Nutritionists once ridiculed and said: "Japanese people eat with their eyes and pay attention to the combination of color and nutrition; Americans eat with their brains and pay attentio
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03
The relationship between flavoring and nutrition
The relationship between flavoring and nutrition
The word   cooking, as the name suggests, "cooking" is to heat food, and "tune" means to reconcile taste. Seasoning means that the raw materials and condiments are properly an
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03