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Conditioning Recipe

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-04-26

  Cough stop

  1. Pumpkin puree is suitable for cold and cough caused by wind and cold

   cold and cough are mostly attacked by the evil of wind and cold, depression and lung gas, Lung Wei is caused by misrepresentation, which can be relieved by diet. Pumpkin is warm, sweet and non-toxic, moisturizes lungs and qi, removes phlegm and purges, deworms and detoxifies, cures cough and asthma, treats constipation of lung carbuncle. The folks also use steamed pumpkin mixed honey to eat asthma prescription.

   Ingredients: 250 grams of pumpkin, 15 grams of honey.

  Practice: Steam and squash the mashed pumpkin to cool, add honey and mix well. Eat 50 grams on an empty stomach before breakfast and dinner.

  2. Soybean water

  Using children with chronic coughing, such as children with overheated body, easy constipation, or beginning to cough. One dose of Soybean Heart Water a day, drink once a day, you can drink until healed. In addition, it can also be used to condition a weak body during a cold.

   Ingredients: 50 soybeans, 1 cabbage heart.

  Practice: Prepare 50 soybeans, soak for 1 hour, cook for 40 minutes, then add cabbage hearts, and cook for 5 to 10 minutes.

  3. Honey ginger radish drink is suitable for cough caused by cold and cold

  Ginger sweating solution, warm lungs and cough, not only can take away excess heat At the same time, it can also bring out the bacteria and cold in the body. White radish contains protein, fat and rich calcium, which has strong anti-inflammatory and cough suppressing effects. It is also suitable for problems such as sore throat and hoarse voice caused by lung heat cough.

  Materials: fresh white radish 1 kg, ginger 30g, honey 30g.

  Practice: Peel radish and ginger and chop into pieces, put them in a juicer to break them together, add honey and drink.

  4. Luohan Xueli Decoction is suitable for cough caused by wind-heat cough and acute and chronic pharyngitis

   Luo Han Guo is sweet and refreshing, with antitussive, asthmatic and cooling effects. The effect of summer heat is matched with the pear that clears away heat and nourishes the stomach and nourishes the lungs and nourishes the lungs.

  Materials: 1 Luo Han Guo, 2 Sydney.

  Practice: Put clean Luo Han Guo and Sydney into the casserole, add clean water, boil over high heat, change to low heat, cook for 20-30 minutes, drain the water and drink.

  5. Tremella lily drink is suitable for cough without phlegm and dry cough

   Tremella nourishes the stomach, nourishes the stomach, relieves cough and relieves phlegm. The combination of the two is better for cough suppression.

  Materials: 10 grams of white fungus, 20 grams of rock sugar, 10 grams of lily, and a little honey.

   Method: Take 10 grams of white fungus, soak in fresh water for 12 hours, put it in a bowl, add rock sugar and lily, put in a steamer, stew for 1 hour in water, mix in honey, get up on an empty stomach every morning edible.

  6. The black bean ginger soup is suitable for cough and phlegm, bronchitis

   Ingredients: 150g black beans, 2 pieces of old ginger, 10g brown sugar.

  Practice: Wash black beans and ginger and add 1000cc of water to cook. After rolling, turn to low heat and continue to cook for 20 minutes. After filtering the residue, take the soup, add brown sugar and mix well. Drink while hot.

  Note: Stop drinking one day for three days. People with cancer and diabetes should not add sugar. Abnormal urine protein, abnormal urea nitrogen, abnormal creatinine, uremia, kidney dialysis, renal insufficiency, kidney cancer, high blood sugar, gout, hyperuricemia, etc. patients, avoid eating.

  Throat throat articles

  1, Luo Han Guo flower tea

   Everyone knows to use Luo Han Guo to make tea It can alleviate sore throat. Luo Han Guo Hua also has a throat-relieving effect, and the fragrance of Luo Han Guo Hua is rich. When it is soaked in hot water, the fragrance overflows. Luo Han Guo Hua, made by drinking tea, can clear the lungs and moisten the dryness, and has a good effect on sore throat, cough, hoarse voice, and even constipation caused by fire.

  Note: Luo Han Guo Hua is somewhat cold in nature. Do not keep drinking after the symptoms are relieved.

  2. Honeysuckle tea

   honeysuckle tea is also a common tea used by people to clear heat and detoxify. Honeysuckle tea is not only good for people who get angry It has a soothing effect on dry throat, dry mouth, exogenous wind and heat.

  Note: Its nature is cold, not suitable for people with weak constitution or cold constitution, not suitable for long-term drinking.

  3. Jade Butterfly Tea

   Jade Butterfly, also known as white jade paper, is mainly produced in Yunnan, Guizhou and other places. It can clear lung heat, improve throat, and has a good therapeutic effect on acute or chronic bronchitis, cough, sore throat, and tonsil inflammation. Jade Butterfly Tea is mainly used to make tea with its seeds, a teaspoon of Jade Butterfly, plus boiling water, soak for 10 minutes to drink.

  4. Mint tea

  Mint tea can eliminate sore throat, relieve headaches or fever caused by colds, and strengthen blood circulation in the body.

  Note: Mint is not suitable for maternal and infant consumption.

  5. Violet tea

   Violet tea drinking has great benefits for the respiratory tract, not only can moisturize the throat, but also relieve the cough caused by colds , Sore throat, etc.; It also plays a certain role in the treatment of respiratory diseases, protects the upper respiratory tract, and regulates bronchitis.

  6. Jasmine tea

  Jasmine is used as a flower tea to drink in water, which can play a role in inhibiting bacteria. Oral and external use can relieve pain in the throat , Anti-inflammatory, heat-clearing and other effects. Especially patients with chronic bronchitis are more suitable for drinking.

  Contraindications during cough

   1. Don’t rush to take cough medicine for early cough, eat fruits and vegetables that nourish the lungs, such as: white fungus, Black fungus, honey, loofah, lotus root, radish, pear, apple, loquat, apricot, etc.

   2. Avoid any spicy and irritating foods, such as mustard, sand tea sauce, chili, curry, pepper, etc.

   3. Avoid eating cold foods, such as: frozen foods, beverages, ice cream, ice cream, etc.

   4. Do not eat spicy things such as chili, pepper, ginger, etc., which have a stimulating effect on the respiratory tract and make the cough worse.

   5. Avoid smoking and drinking.

   6. Avoid eating fried, fried, smoked, grilled, baked food, such as: pork cutlet, fried dough sticks, potato chips, salt crispy chicken, stinky tofu, french fries, roast duck, scones, potato chips, Cream cakes, donuts, small pastries, etc.

   7. Avoid eating sweets to avoid phlegm.

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