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Healthy health eat kimchi

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   Traditional Chinese medicine believes that acid enters the liver, Xin enters the lung, bitter enters the heart, salt enters the kidney, and enters the spleen. That is to say, the five flavors of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty have specific connections and affinity effects on different internal organs. Which organ they enter will play a beneficial health role for the internal organs.

  Scientific diet It is very important in Chinese food. Eating some acidic food in moderation has certain benefits to the liver. Most sour foods are rich in vitamin C. We can also try to make some Sichuan pickles ourselves. Sichuan kimchi, which has more regional flavors, is not only sour and crispy, but also has good safety and rich nutrition.

   There are a few key steps for making simple Sichuan kimchi. If you follow my method, it’s okay!

  A. First, choose a good quality kimchi jar, good The jar is not about high-end porcelain and beautiful patterns. As long as ordinary kimchi porcelain jars or transparent glass kimchi jars are fine. The key is whether the jar structure meets the sealing requirements. A perfect pickle jar requires a big belly, a deep sink, and an inner mouth that is higher than the outer mouth. Turning the bowl is smoother, and it will seal well without gas eyes.

  B. Among the spices, the most common ones are chili peppers (no need to put them), star anise, peppercorns, cardamom, bay leaves, grass fruit, and mangosteen can also be added. In addition, Sichuan kimchi attaches great importance to the cultivation of altar water. It is generally cultivated with thick vegetables such as shallot, ginger, parsley, garlic, coriander, onion, etc. I have tried using fresh pineapple core. Seasoning is generally put pickle salt (well salt or iodized salt), a small amount of rock sugar. The sugar put in the process of making kimchi will be decomposed into lactic acid and carbon dioxide during the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria. Diabetics can eat some kimchi with enough fermentation time.

  C, the raw materials of Sichuan pickles are some relatively crispy and juicy vegetables, such as: Xin Li Mei, white radish, cowpea, fresh pepper, cabbage, purple cabbage, carrot, celery, garlic sprouts, etc. And some pre-cooked meats such as chicken feet, pork hands... Of course, some experts use kimchi jars to soak fresh fish, huh, huh.

  D. Kimchi is not only a side dish for meals, but also used as an ingredient to make fish and meat dishes, and its flavor is more unique.

  Specific operation process: It is strictly forbidden to enter oily substances during this process, otherwise the kimchi will be damaged.

   1. Wash the pickle jars, soak them in boiling hot water for a while, then invert to control. The disinfection cabinet can also be used for disinfection if conditions permit.

   2. The spices are wrapped in clean gauze or put directly in the jar, and then poured into the half jar and boiled in water to soak, the water will naturally have a strong fragrance, and wait for the water to cool down before adding it Salt, sugar, chives, ginger, parsley, garlic, parsley, carrots, onions to raise. Then cover the altar cover, sprinkle some salt in the sink and pour the water to seal it.

  It takes one to two weeks to start raising the jars. Because the vegetables themselves are attached to anaerobic lactic acid bacteria, the water in the jars will ferment and become acidic due to the action of lactic acid bacteria. After raising the jar water, you can put fresh and clean vegetables. You can put the vegetables cut into diced or strips, and the big jar can also put the whole piece of vegetables. Put the water in the jar at the mouth of the jar as much as possible, so that the remaining oxygen can be reduced as much as possible. If you have the old altar water, you can shorten the time to raise the altar, you can directly put vegetables. After fermentation, the kimchi produces a lot of bubbles, and there will often be water overflow. There should be a deeper dish under the jar to receive water.

  If a large amount of off-white fine foam is found on the liquid surface during the brewing process, it is likely to have entered raw water or unclean utensils. Don''t worry at this time, you can pour a small glass of high-level liquor or put more ginger and garlic to solve the problem.

  The biochemical principle in the process of kimchi:

  What is the reason for adding appropriate amount of mangosteen or rock sugar, white sugar to kimchi? Mainly because the fermentation of kimchi is due to the large number of lactic acid bacteria, and This fermentation process requires sugar as a carbonyl group, so that lactic acid bacteria will be a better "food" source.

After fermentation of lactic acid bacteria, lactic acid, ethanol, acetic acid and carbon dioxide are produced. The production of acetic acid and carbon dioxide reduces the Ph value of kimchi, while ethanol has a preservative effect and carbon dioxide has an antioxidant effect, all of which are beneficial to inhibit the growth of spoilage microorganisms.

  Lactic acid, ethanol, acetic acid can make pickles produce ethyl lactate and produce aroma. In addition, the anti-cancer substance in fresh radish, glucosinolate, can be hydrolyzed into glucose and mustard oil in kimchi.

The amount of salt used in    kimchi is more suitable between 5--15%. When the salt is used too much, the kimchi has no sour flavor, and if it is used less, the purpose of being crisp and tender is not achieved.

  Lactobacillus is fermented fastest at 26--30 degrees. If you want to have a unique flavor, it is suitable for 12--22 degrees. Kimchi must be eaten and marinated, so that it has a good sensory effect.

   Kimchi fermentation time is generally 10--12 days (such as purple cabbage or cabbage at 12--22 degrees requires 10--12 days), use clean chopsticks or hand out, after a simple rinse Season according to personal preference. According to the test, Sichuan pickles still produce a small amount of nitrite during the home making process, but it is much less than the pickled pickles made in an aerobic environment. The production of nitrite starts from the second day to the fifth day It reached its peak and decayed by the 7th day. Therefore, it is recommended that pickled kimchi should be eaten better after seven days.

  Nutrition analysis of Sichuan pickles:

  Vegetables can retain vitamins well in an acidic environment, especially to soften the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, and increase the intake of inorganic salts in the diet Vitamin C. The specific nutrients in kimchi mainly come from the nutrition of the raw materials, such as radish, cabbage, celery, garlic, onion, etc., which are rich in inorganic salts. In addition, a large number of lactic acid bacteria are produced during the fermentation of kimchi. Improve human immunity and benefit the maintenance of healthy digestive tract flora.

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