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What are the nutritional effects of Tremella

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Beijing''s spring is dry and windy, and the bare skin is also rough and dull blown by the sand. The nasal throat is often dry and cracked. It is suffering from torment. For everyone to spend a beautiful spring, I specially presented a case of rock sugar white fungus Lotus seed soup nourishes your mood and moisturizes your skin!

   Tremella nourishes yin and moisturizes, relieves cough and nourishes. Among them are rich in amino acids, plant gums that can moisturize the skin, and soluble dietary fibers that help gastrointestinal motility and weight loss. They are also rich in mucopolysaccharides and trace elements of selenium, which have special nutritional effects to increase immunity. They are generally used as spring and autumn. The best moisturizing product.

   lotus seeds are rich in calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, which can lower blood pressure and soothe the nerves, clear the heat and relieve heartburn, and can be used more in summer. Lotus seeds can also help the body to metabolize proteins, fats, and sugars. The oxidized huangxinshuningine has an inhibitory effect on nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

  Jujube The contents of protein, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin and nicotinic acid are relatively high, while the content of vitamin C is the top one hundred fruits. Chinese medicine believes that red dates can nourish the skin, soothe the nerves, and soothe the nerves.

  Bingtang has the effects of regenerating lungs, clearing away heat and detoxifying, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, and diminishing phlegm and reducing turbidity. It can be used to treat loss of appetite, lung cough, asthma, dry mouth, thirst, and sore throat.

   Papaya is rich in aroma, rich in fruit juice, sweet in taste, and rich in various nutrients, among which vitamin C content is particularly rich. The active ingredients in papaya can also decompose protein, sugar, and fat, often Appropriate consumption can help lose weight.

   Rock Sugar Tremella Lotus Seed Soup is made with white fungus as the main ingredient, with lotus seeds, red dates and papaya as auxiliary materials, and is flavored with rock sugar. Hot drinks in spring and autumn to replenish lungs and nourish the lungs, cool food in midsummer to calm down.

   Production method: Two dried white fungus hairs are soaked in water, remove root impurities and tear into small flowers, ten red dates and one lotus seed, two hours of water soaked, can not be soaked for a long time, otherwise it is easy to bloom The cracking is not beautiful, the yellow rock sugar is quantified according to your own preferences, brewed into boiled water, and put in the soaked white fungus, lotus seeds and red dates, steam or stew for 2 to 3 hours on low heat until the white fungus melts and sticks. Put the prepared rock sugar white fungus lotus seed soup in the carved papaya cup, and put it in a steamer for half an hour.

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