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Eat nutrition and health from food

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Nutritionists once ridiculed and said: "Japanese people eat with their eyes and pay attention to the combination of color and nutrition; Americans eat with their brains and pay attention to hygiene and sanitation when eating anything? Is there enough calories? French people use nose Eat, pay attention to the combination of spices; only the Chinese use their tongue to taste, pay attention to color, fragrance, taste and health." This is also the place where Chinese cuisine has long been famous in the history of world cooking. Chinese cuisine is centered on "taste" and the purpose of "nourishment". "Taste" means seasoning and deliciousness.

   "nourishment" means nutrition and health . Through cooking, raw materials are processed at different temperatures and times to process mature foods, and after a variety of flavors are blended, a wide variety of delicious dishes are cooked. And these foods that people enjoy must not only meet the needs and enjoyment of different senses such as sight, smell, taste and even hearing and touch, but also provide the human body with comprehensive and rich nutrients and nutrients that are beneficial to the body''s digestion, absorption and utilization. Only after eating such delicious food can we give the human body nutrition and achieve the purpose of health care and health preservation.

   Both cooking and nutrition complement each other and are indispensable. Cooking is a means of nutrition, reasonable cooking will better retain nutrients, and achieve a balanced and reasonable nutrients. Nutrition is manifested through cooking. Foods that are only nutritious but do not have a good color and fragrance are difficult to call nutritious food and will not be accepted by everyone. Therefore, modern dietitians and chefs should understand or possess knowledge and skills in these two aspects.

  China has a history of 5,000 years of civilization, and Chinese cuisine has long been known at home and abroad. Before the ancestors used the fire, the food they used was nothing more than raw food. Later, with the use of fire, there was burning and roasting food. After the development of stone tools, after the emergence of bronze and iron tools, there were rich cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, stewing, boiling... Now, with the use of various fuels, cooking utensils, and power electronic equipment, the industrious and intelligent Chinese are constantly enriching and perfecting Chinese cuisine.

   In modern life, health has become a social fashion, and health and nutrition are closely related, so we all know that "disease comes from the mouth" and "eat health". In our food, except for a small amount that can be eaten raw, other ingredients must be cooked and seasoned, so the first solution is hygiene and safety. Only by cooking well can we make delicious dishes with excellent color, aroma, taste and style, and no less nutrition.

   It is not advisable to only focus on taste and ignore nutrition. Thirty years ago, Chinese chefs lost their gold medals in international competitions because they did not understand the nutritional analysis of Chinese food. Science also proves that unreasonable cooking methods will cause the loss or destruction of the nutrients of food, directly affecting the quality of meals. Healthy food must be both delicious and nutritious.

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