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Do you want to eat puffer fish

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

   "Desperate to eat puffer fish" describes the delicious and dangerous eating of puffer fish. Eating puffer fish may not be "fighting to death", but puffer fish may not be so delicious. I have eaten puffer fish twice in a Japanese restaurant, and I don''t think it has any special taste. Perhaps the uneasy mood disturbed the taste. This morning I watched the CCTV-2 "Healthy Morning Bus" program, the host said to the camera: "The processed puffer fish is absolutely safe"-what is absolutely? Ignorance.

   A few days ago, a friend was poisoned when he was eating puffer fish in a hotel. It is said that the chef did not process the blood of puffer fish after drinking. Pufferfish''s toxins are mainly concentrated in the internal organs and blood. The muscles are originally non-toxic, but the muscles are easily contaminated by blood. It is not difficult to remove the internal organs, but it is not a simple matter to completely "drain" the blood in the muscles to obtain completely toxin-free muscles. The hotels that provide puffer fish generally have to be equipped with full-time chefs who slaughter puffer fish, and they need to hold a certificate to work. The qualification certificate for slaughtering puffer fish is said to be "a hard ticket".

   Tetrodotoxin is a strong neurotoxicity, and its toxicity is hundreds to thousands of times that of potassium cyanide. Tetrodotoxin can cause central nerve palsy, block neuromuscular conduction, and cause progressive paralysis of voluntary muscles; directly block skeletal fibers; cause peripheral vasodilation and a sharp decrease in arterial pressure. The incubation period is 10 minutes to 3 hours. Early tingling sensations in fingers, tongue, and lips, followed by gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Limb weakness, chills, numbness of lips and limbs. In severe cases, the pupil and corneal reflex disappear, and the muscles of the extremities are paralyzed, so that the whole body becomes paralyzed and paralyzed. Superficial and irregular breathing, severe breathing difficulties, blood pressure drop, coma, and finally died of respiratory failure. There is currently no specific antidote for this, so the mortality of puffer fish poisoning is high.

   So it is not difficult to understand that the health management department’s attitude towards eating puffer fish has always been clear: Prohibited! In 1990, the Ministry of Health promulgated the “Aquatic Products Sanitation Management Measures” in accordance with the “Chinese Food Sanitation Law (Trial)” ", which clearly stipulates that puffer fish shall not flow into the domestic market and shall not be processed for consumption. Although the version of the Food Hygiene Law at that time was already ancient, the attitude of the 1995 version of the China Food Hygiene Law towards puffer fish is still prohibited. However, in 1995, the Ministry of Health allowed the first "human food trial" of fresh puffer fish in Zhejiang and Shanghai In 1996, a total of 9 catering units in Dalian and Shenyang were allowed to sell puffer fish under the organization of the Food Supervision and Inspection Institute of Liaoning Province. The Ministry of Health has issued warning notices on food safety many times, warning people not to eat puffer fish, and demanding that all The administrative department of health should strengthen the supervision and inspection of aquatic product operating units within the jurisdiction, and find that the illegal sale of puffer fish should be severely punished according to law. Now, the China Food Sanitation Law has been adopted by the China Food Safety Law (implemented in June 2009) Instead, the law does not lift puffer fish. But the reality is that many hotels, in Dalian alone, have sold far more puffer fish dishes than just 9 hotels, and puffer fish can be eaten in most Japanese meals. Puffer fish The ban seems to have become a "factual marriage" or the acquiescence of the health management department.

  However, in recent years, there are often hotels punished by the local health department for processing puffer fish dishes, Dalian, Qingdao, Yangzhou, Ningbo. ..... There are such reports. During this period, it also caused several legal proceedings, that is, the hotel was sued by the sanitary management department for the puffer fish was punished for dissatisfaction with the sanitation management department. ——Because there is a clear legal basis for banning puffer fish. However, what is ridiculous is that some of the hotels that have been punished by the health management department for puffer fish have processed puffer fish dishes as usual! More hotels that have not been punished Not to mention it.

   So, the strange circle of eating puffer fish was formed like this: it is forbidden by law and has been forbidden; in reality, the ban is lifted, and the more you eat, the more you eat. The restaurant industry, especially the high-end restaurant industry, is eager Hope and promote the lifting of puffer fish, the reason is that they can process non-toxic puffer fish dishes. More eager is the puffer fish farming industry, their reason is that they can breed low-toxic or non-toxic puffer fish. Some Cooking masters and farming entrepreneurs with fierce attitudes even bluntly said that they don’t need to “fight to death” to eat puffer fish. The ban on eating puffer fish is because of choking and waste food. I believe that this kind of strange circle is difficult to solve.

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