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What the restaurant industry intends to abuse nitrite

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

  According to today’s “New Business Daily” report, the stall selling crispy and strange chicken nuggets outside the Jinjing Mall in Ganjingzi, Dalian, caused nitrite food poisoning, which caused 7 poisoners, including the most serious 2 children (4 years old and 8 years old) has been admitted to the ICU ward of Dalian Children''s Hospital in serious condition.

  Nitrite mainly refers to sodium nitrite. Sodium nitrite is white to light yellow powder or granular, slightly salty taste, easily soluble in water. The appearance and taste are similar to table salt. Hypoxia is the main clinical manifestation of food poisoning caused by nitrite. Headache, dizziness, weakness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, bluish complexion, difficulty breathing, vomiting, etc. can be fatal in severe cases.

  In recent years, there have been more and more incidents of food poisoning caused by nitrite. According to the "Chongqing Evening News" reported on June 24 this year, there were 7 food poisoning incidents in the past two months, with a total of more than 300 people suffering from food poisoning. , 80% of which is caused by nitrite. Nitrite was originally industrial salt. Why does it cause food poisoning frequently, and why is the catering industry keen to "misuse" nitrite? This problem is related to the abuse of nitrite in the food processing and catering industries in recent years. Nitrite was originally a food additive that strictly controlled the dosage and scope of application, but it has been abused publicly, semi-publicly or quietly. It is mainly used for:

  1. Processing cooked meat products, nitrite is not only Play a role in color protection-maintain the fresh color of meat ingredients to make it look fresh and attractive, and nitrite also has a certain antiseptic effect, the taste is not bad, even better than table salt. If some cooked meat products cannot be sold on the same day, when they are heated again the next day, if they do not add nitrite, it will easily become an unsightly color. Adding nitrite can be as fresh as the previous day.

   2. Processing grilled meat. When grilling meat, adding nitrite can make the meat bright red, good taste, and antiseptic. A common method is to soak lamb skewers and steaks with nitrite liquid.

   3. Some regular hotels also use nitrite to treat meat and ribs to maintain their fresh color.

   4. Vendors of pickled pickles and kimchi also use nitrite, which helps to maintain a beautiful color and can be preserved to prevent the taste from deteriorating. In addition, pickled vegetables and pickles also produce more nitrite.

   5. In order to reduce costs, catering establishments in some areas quietly buy cheap private salt (instead of regular iodized salt), which may be mixed with nitrite. In 2004, the Ministry of Health warned against buying private salt.

   6. Ham sausage products, according to national standards, can add a certain concentration of nitrite. However, in order to make the ham sausage color more beautiful and more prominent, some companies are not adding too much nitrite.

   7. There may be other channels that I do not understand.

In short, unlike bacterial food poisoning, nitrite food poisoning is an outright human disaster. Even more frightening is that the "small amount" of nitrite intake will not cause acute poisoning and no obvious symptoms, but it has the potential to cause cancer!

  Long-term low-dose nitrite intake It has a certain relationship with gastric cancer, esophageal cancer and liver cancer. Nitrite is easily converted into nitrosamines in the stomach, the latter is a very clear carcinogen. For the carcinogenic effects of nitrite, please refer to the 18 carcinogenic factors in our daily diet.

  In order to avoid the acute toxicity and carcinogenic effects of nitrite, please note in daily life:

   1. Don’t buy cooked meat sold at street stalls The products, especially the beautiful colors, are very good to sell! To eat cooked meat products, you have to find a place you can trust to buy.

   2. Don’t eat street barbecue.

   3. Don’t eat steaks, beef, pork ribs, etc. that are so distorted in the restaurant.

   4. Eat less pickles, kimchi, etc.

   5. Eat less ham sausages, especially with attractive colors.

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