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Eight characteristics of alcohol metabolism

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

   The year is approaching, and the number and quantity of drinking have increased sharply. So I want to write about the characteristics of alcohol (ethanol) metabolism in the body, which may help or inspire drinking.

   1. Alcohol contains more energy, but has no nutritional value. 1 gram of alcohol in the body will be metabolized into 7 kilocalories of energy (1 gram of fat is metabolized to 9 kilocalories), which is relatively high, but it does not have any nutritional value and physiological effect, so nutrition is called "empty heat", that is, empty , Worthless heat (energy).

   2. The body’s ability to metabolize alcohol is directly proportional to alcohol intake. In layman''s terms, the more alcohol you drink, the more metabolized it will never appear to be surplus or transformed. Into other substances (such as fat or sugar) and remain in the body. So even if you drink too much today, tomorrow (perhaps the day after tomorrow) will return to the original condition, and the body will not have much (if liver damage is not counted).

  3. Alcohol will not be converted into fat (or other ingredients that can be stored) in the body, so if you do not eat other energy-containing foods (such as meat dishes, sugar in beer, etc.) , Alcohol will not make you fat. Of course, if you eat a lot of other foods with a meal, it is another matter.

   4. Alcohol can be absorbed into the bloodstream in the stomach, which is almost the same as water, much faster than nutrients like protein, fat and carbohydrates (absorbed in the small intestine). Alcohol quickly appears in the blood after drinking, and people with poor ability to metabolize alcohol will soon "blush", because alcohol (and its metabolite acetaldehyde) causes blood vessels to dilate, if-I only say if- -Take off your clothes and you will find that he is all "red".

   5. Most of the alcohol (90%) is metabolized in the liver. The metabolic process is: ethanol→acetaldehyde→acetic acid→carbon dioxide and water. In these processes, there are two enzymes namely ADH and ALDH play a key role, among which ALDH (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase) is the most critical. It oxidizes acetaldehyde to acetic acid (acetic acid is a harmless substance) and determines the rate of alcohol metabolism. People with high ALDH (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase) activity have a strong alcohol metabolism capacity and a large amount of alcohol; those with low ALDH (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase) activity have a weak alcohol metabolism capacity and a small amount of alcohol. The activity of ALDH (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase) is mainly related to heredity, and sometimes it can be induced by alcohol (often drinking to increase the activity of this enzyme, thereby increasing the amount of alcohol), but it will not be induced by sugar, tea polyphenols or vitamins. Therefore, fruits, tea, juice, etc. do not increase the amount of wine. Many so-called anti-alcoholic health products only play a role in reducing liver damage, and generally do not increase the activity of ALDH (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase).

   6. In addition to the high activity of ALDH (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase), there are the following measures that can theoretically enhance the ability to tolerate alcohol (increased alcohol):

   First, drinking alcohol after filling food in the stomach (such as bread, steamed bread, etc.) can slow down the rate of alcohol absorption into the blood.

  Second, drinking alcohol on the first day (but not much) will cause a small increase in the amount of alcohol on the second day.

   Third, drink plenty of water after drinking to dilute the blood and promote urination.

Fourth, speaking loudly, singing, and sweating can increase the amount of alcohol excreted by the lungs and skin.

   Fifth, drink good wine, such as Maotai and Wuliangye.

   Sixth, drink light beer, such as light and 8 degrees.

   Seventh, drink only one kind of wine, not mixed drink.

  7. Drinking begins to excite the central nervous system (more words, more excitement, and more gallbladder), and excessive drinking causes the central nervous system to be suppressed (sleepy, silent, drowsy). Even in the stage of nerve excitement, it will affect fine movements and reaction speed, so drunk driving is very dangerous.

   8. The direct acute harm of alcohol to the body is liver injury, and chronic and long-term harm will also affect the heart and vascular system. And these chronic hazards have nothing to do with being drunk (the amount of alcohol). In other words, no matter whether your alcohol is large or small, you are easy to get drunk or not. As long as you drink a certain amount of alcohol for a long time, it will harm the heart and vascular system. Therefore, drink a small amount.

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