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The Truth and Fallacy of the Egg (2)

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

   "hair eggs" is a tonic

   hair eggs are "dead eggs", which are dead embryos that are hatched halfway through the eggs. It is regarded as a tonic in many places (usually grilled). In fact, once the embryo is developed, the quality of the egg will be significantly reduced. The nutritional value of eggs is reduced after hatching, and often contains many bacteria, which is very unhygienic.

  7. "Functional eggs" are better than ordinary eggs

  The composition of eggs is greatly affected by feed factors. By improving the formula of feed, the minerals in egg yolk can be effectively increased Content, or lower cholesterol. The so-called "functional eggs" refer to the use of feed technology to enrich eggs with zinc, iodine, selenium, calcium and other nutrients. This sounds very good, but in practice, because there is no product standard and no testing, the content of various added elements in functional eggs is difficult to determine, and it is easy to counterfeit. Many times, the merchant adds a certain nutrient to the chicken feed, and then claims that the egg is rich in this nutrient, but has never done a serious test, nor has it been compared with ordinary eggs.

   8. People with fever cannot eat eggs

  People who hold this view believe that eggs mainly contain egg protein and ovalbumin, which is a complete protein and can be absorbed by the body. . After eating, it can produce extra calories. This extra calories can be as high as 30%. Fever patients (especially children) eating eggs can increase the calories in the body, and the calories cannot be dissipated. Like pouring oil on the fire, it will burn even more. This reason lacks scientific basis. Any food (including eggs, grains, fruits, beans, meat...) contains calories, and the intake of protein from any source will cause extra calorie consumption, but the "calorie" of fever is definitely not because of eating too many calories (food) More caused! Moreover, in clinical practice, there is no evidence that eating eggs will increase the temperature of fever or prolong the duration of fever.

   During fever, the calorie consumption is very large (each time the temperature increases by 1 ℃, the basal metabolism is estimated to increase by about 10%), so you must pay attention to supplement calories and nutrition, (if your appetite allows) should increase the staple food, eggs , Milk and meat intake to supplement calorie consumption. Of course, when you have a fever, you will have a poor appetite, and it is better to eat a lighter diet. However, lightness does not mean that you should avoid eggs or meat. Steamed egg custard, boiled eggs, and scrambled eggs are all foods that should be preferred for feverish people. If you don''t like eggs, you can also eat meat and fish.

  9. Poached eggs cannot be added with sugar

  Someone advocates that poached eggs cannot be added with sugar, because "eggs and white sugar are cooked together, so that the amino acids in the chicken white matter will form a combination of fructosyl lysine . This substance is not easy to be absorbed by the human body and will have an adverse effect on health." In fact, this is a misunderstanding of food knowledge.

   First, although white sugar (also called sucrose) is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose, it is impossible for sucrose to be broken down into glucose and fructose under boiling conditions (temperature 100℃) for a few minutes of.

  Secondly, the carbon group in the sugar is condensed with the amino group in the protein to form melanin in a reaction called carbon ammonia reaction (also known as Maillard reaction). The carbon-ammonia reaction will cause the color of the food to deepen, and the poached egg and sugar will not turn black, indicating that there is no Maillard reaction at all.

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