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Nine steam and nine sun, healthy diet

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-19

  health starts from nourishing the kidney. The main water of the kidney is black and black sesame is black. The best product for nourishing the kidney is black sesame. There are black, yellow, and white sesame seeds, but only black sesame seeds corresponding to the true color of the kidney can have medicinal value and health benefits.

  Our usual diet is only at the level of "what to eat". This is only a primary school level, and the effect is not obvious. So we often complain that "I heard that sesame seeds can nourish the kidneys. I have eaten a lot. How come I have no effect?" In fact, to really learn to use sesame seeds for diet therapy, the knowledge behind is still great, and these are exactly Those health secrets are not passed on.

  Black sesame seeds are the first of the grains

   black sesame seeds are born with the energy of spring and spring, and are the first of the five grains. Black sesame seeds can make up the five internal organs, grow muscles, fill the brain marrow, and are listed as top grade in the Shennong Materia Medica.

  Black sesame inheritance ancient craft

   First, Jin Hong Taoist Ge Hong, see "Bao Pu Zi": three sesame buckets, steamed and dried Dry, wash away the water with water, steam and dry again, so repeat nine times. At this time, the sesame skin and flesh are separated. After removing the sesame skin, stir fry, pulverize, and mix with white honey or jujube paste to make small marble balls.

  Second, Tang Dynasty medicine king Sun Simiao: Three liters of sesame seeds, steamed thirty times, slightly sauteed, beaten into powder. Mix with three litres of white honey, and then pour three hundred times with a mallet to make a sycamore-sized pill. Take it every morning and evening. Long-term eyesight, nourish the kidney.

   Third, health experts usually combine these two methods, namely: three liters (about 2 kg) of black sesame, washed with water, steamed in a basket, dried, and then steamed Once again, dry again, after repeated steaming and drying nine times, the sesame skin will naturally fall off, remove it, saute the remaining sesame seeds, pound it 300 times, and then mix it with white honey or date cake to make a ball with a diameter of about 2 cm. Take it every morning and evening.

  Nine Steamed Nine Sun Black Sesame Jane

  Nine Steamed Nine Sun Black Sesame Jane-a good product for nutritional therapy

   1. "Nine Steamed Nine Suns" is often seen in the processing of Chinese medicine. Rehmannia glutinosa, angelica, aconite and other medicinal materials usually have to be steamed and dried in order to develop their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, so as to fully exert their medicinal effects. The knowledge here is very large.

   For sesame, this is to make sesame easy to digest. Sesame is very difficult to digest. If you eat too much sesame, and then look at the stool, it will become black. Once you have tested it, you will find that many sesames are still intact and not digested at all. This is how people eat sesame seeds. They usually eat them only by frying them once. In fact, this kind of sesame is still raw sesame. It is very greasy to eat and difficult to digest. When you walk away from the stomach, the human body can''t be blessed, but hurt.

  Second, after nine steaming, the nutrients in sesame are fully decomposed, the greasiness is greatly reduced, and it becomes completely easy for the human body to absorb. After nine sun exposures, sesame seeds gained the energy of the sun again. This seems to the health experts as a yang between the world and the earth. Although it is invisible and intangible, it is of great benefit to the human body.

   3. Why do you need to pound black sesame seeds 300 times? In fact, the black sesame seeds that have been steamed and dried in the sun are already very thin and crisp. It has become a fine powder. However, the sesame kernel powder pounded 300 times not only differs in physical and chemical properties, but also incorporates people''s ideas. In the process of pounding, people must be in a state of joy and blessing, and never be irritable or troublesome.

  Black sesame zhen tastes very good, suitable for all ages, like eating delicious, with a happy mood, chewing slowly, experience the nourishment of our body by this black sesame zhen, this It is also an essential part of the process of taking sesame pills.

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