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Eating habits that easily lead to stomach cancer

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-23

   has to have close contact with this friend-salt every day, this friend brings us taste, but also brings us danger. This is that although the weapon is good, depending on how you use it, the consequences will be no less than murder. Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure, and of course you have the opportunity to get stomach cancer.

  Professor Yasong, Director of the Chetomo Institute in Houston, USA, reported: "A series of animal experiments and human epidemiological studies have shown that with the increase in sodium intake in the body, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, and bladder cancer The incidence rate will also increase." In the past, Japanese people like to eat salted foods such as dried fish, fish sauce and pickles, so it has become a country with a high incidence of stomach cancer in the world. At present, due to the popularity of household refrigerators and changes in eating habits, Japanese people rarely consume salted foods, and the incidence of gastric cancer is decreasing.

   The reason why people marinate bacon is to add a lot of salt, because the high concentration of salt can not only dehydrate the cells and coagulate the protein, but also dehydrate the bacteria to death, so as not to rot for a long time. Bad purpose. After eating too much high-salt food, the osmotic pressure of table salt will cause direct damage to the gastric mucosa. Animal experiments show that after feeding rats with high-concentration (12% or 20%) saline, the rat’s gastric mucosa has extensive diffuse congestion, edema, erosion, necrosis, and bleeding, while low-concentration salt Water does not cause these pathological changes.

  High-salt foods can also reduce stomach acid, and can inhibit prostaglandin E2 to improve the resistance of gastric mucosa, so that the gastric mucosa is vulnerable to gastritis or gastric ulcer. Similarly, high-salt and salted foods also contain a large amount of nitrate, which is converted into nitrite by reducing bacteria in the stomach, and then combined with the amine in the food to form amine nitrite, which is extremely carcinogenic.

   For this reason, the nutritionist warmly reminds: To prevent gastritis and gastric cancer, you must change the bad eating habits. One of them is to avoid high salt and salted food as much as possible. Even from the perspective of protecting the gastric mucosa, food should be light and not salty.

   6 grams of salt per person per day, which is 3 flat spoons of 2 grams of salt spoon. However, some special people cannot use these 3 spoons. Also, the food itself contains salt, so the salt of real cooking is not three spoons, but two spoons, which is 4 grams, which is equivalent to the amount of a beer bottle cap. The amount of salt in this bottle cap is the amount of salt that a normal person, without hypertension or kidney disease, cooks and eats every day. If you have high blood pressure and diabetes, you can only eat half a bottle of cap salt, and if you have kidney disease, you need to reduce the amount.

  ——Life tips for using less salt

   1. Remember to keep less salt when cooking.

   2. Eat more dishes with special taste, such as tomatoes, onions and green peppers.

   3. Multi-purpose tomato sauce, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, etc., more vinegar, less soy sauce. This will save less salt and improve the taste.

  4. Try to cook with steaming and stewing. Enjoy the original taste of food, not necessarily add salt to stir-fry every time.

   5. High potassium and low sodium salts can be used.

   6. Use less salt to be determined and patient. As long as you persist for 3 months, people''s taste will slowly change from a particularly salty taste to a light taste.

  7. Not all dishes have the same amount of salt, especially in the soup.

  8. Don’t add soy sauce to the stir-fried dish. You can put soy sauce in a small dish and dip the dish to eat, so that the salt intake can be reduced by 7 times.

  It is also especially recommended to eat high-potassium foods

   eat one pound of green vegetables every day. Eat half an apple or orange every day. 50 to 100 grams of fungi per day.

  Mushrooms are not only foods rich in potassium. Polysaccharide compounds of fungi can control some infectious diseases and even adjuvant treatment of malignant tumors.

  The extract of polysaccharide component has the function of maintaining some immune functions. The fungus contains trace element selenium, which has anti-oxidation, and even includes some malignant diseases Malignant tumor. The role of preventive foundation. Mushrooms contain amino acids. Rice lacks the lysine needed by the human body. Mushrooms are rich in lysine, which makes up for the lack of rice lysine. This is the complementary role of protein.

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