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Longevity dish-kelp

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-23

  Chinese medicine believes that the kelp is slightly cold, non-toxic, and has the effects of softening and hardening, eliminating phlegm and asthma, diminishing water and swelling, removing fat and lowering blood pressure.

  In the 1980s, Japanese scholars conducted a food survey on residents of Okinawa, the country with the longest average life expectancy and the highest percentage of centenarians in Japan. It was found that in addition to eating more potatoes, beans and vegetables, the residents of the county have a special place in that they eat seaweed and other seaweed foods the most. This may be an important factor for the longevity of Okinawa residents.

  In the Qin Shihuang era, China did not have a sea area where kelp naturally grows. People don’t know what kelp is, nor does it know its health care effect on the human body. As early as Qin Shihuang unified the six countries in 221 BC, Xu Fu was sent to lead thousands of virgins and virgins to the East China Sea to find the elixir of immortality. Later, some people said that the medicine that the emperor Qin Shihuang sought was kelp.

   Modern medical research has proved that kelp contains many nutrients and medicinal ingredients that are beneficial to human health. Consumption of kelp can lower blood sugar, blood lipids and cholesterol, and can effectively prevent arteriosclerosis, constipation, cancer, senile dementia and fight aging. Therefore, the Japanese call kelp "longevity dishes".

  Health care function of kelp:

  (1) The white precipitate on the surface of kelp is mannitol, which is a diuretic. It has the effect of lowering blood pressure and reducing swelling. It is a good food therapy for patients with edema and urination.

   (2) Kelp is alkaline food with high calcium content. Calcium is an important substance to prevent blood acidification. Eating regularly can effectively prevent the occurrence of gastric cancer and intestinal cancer.

   (3) Kelp is rich in iodine, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, carotene, vitamin B1 and other essential nutrients. Under the combined effect of these effects, it can reduce the accumulation of fat on the heart, brain, and blood vessel walls, and lower blood cholesterol. Incorporating kelp in too greasy food can reduce the accumulation of fat in the body.

   (4) The kelp is rich in cellulose, which can timely remove waste and toxins in the intestine, and effectively prevent the occurrence of constipation and intestinal cancer.

   (5) In the cold winter, eating more kelp properly can not only make the body stronger, but also play a good role in protecting the cold. Kelp is a treasure trove of human intake of calcium and iron. Supplementing foods rich in calcium and iron can improve the body''s ability to keep out the cold. Kelp is rich in iodine, iodine can promote the secretion of thyroxine, increase the body''s ability to produce heat, and resist cold.

  Healthy lettuce-Kombu raw lean meat soup

   Ingredients: Take 30 grams of kelp, raw ground 18 grams, green beans 100 grams, orange peel 3 grams, lean pork 100 g.

  Practice: Wash and shred kelp, shredded pork and tangerine peel, place in the casserole with the raw land and mung beans, add appropriate amount of water and use a small hot pot to cook for 2 hours, add a little salt to eat .

  Therapeutic effects:

  Kombu contains a substance called sulfated polysaccharides, which can absorb cholesterol in blood vessels and expel them from the body to make blood The cholesterol level remains normal. Kelp has a special affinity for radioactive materials. The gums in kelp can promote the discharge of radioactive materials in the body and reduce the occurrence of radioactive diseases. Mung bean is cold, can clear heat and detoxify, diuretic elimination department, quench thirst and remove fire. It is cold in place, with cold serum heat, nourishing yin and nourishing kidney, and relieving thirst. Drinking this soup often has a good effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and nourishing yin.


  (1) Kelp contains a high level of toxic metal-arsenic. Rinse with clean water before eating, then soak for 12-24 hours, and change the water frequently. In this way, you can eat with confidence.

   (2) Kelp sex cold, spleen and stomach deficiency cold should not eat more.

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