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Brown sugar, white sugar, rock sugar, how many years have you been wrong

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  When we use sugar in our diet, we should remind ourselves that sugar is not only a flavoring agent, it has its own effect. If the sugar is added incorrectly, not only will it not work, but sometimes it will be counterproductive. Therefore, when flavoring with sugar and pairing with food, we must first grasp a big principle, that is, according to the temperature and coolness of sugar, to determine when to use what sugar.

  Brown sugar can Replenishing blood, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis

   Women must drink brown sugar water after childbirth, not only to replenish qi and blood, but also to help her expel lochia as soon as possible; in addition, when regulating colds and colds, we need to use brown sugar , Regulate the weakness of the spleen and stomach, brown sugar is also indispensable.

  Brown sugar is not a special product for women. People with physical weakness and the elderly eat brown sugar tonic. Brown sugar is rich in nutrients and has low sugar content. Among white sugar, brown sugar and rock sugar, if you use the same amount, the sugar content of brown sugar is the least, because it is virgin sugar, and the sugar content is only 95%, The rest are minerals and vitamins. So in your daily life, you can consider using brown sugar instead of white sugar when cooking and eating, so that family members have more opportunities to eat brown sugar, which not only controls the overall sugar intake, but also uses brown sugar Nutrition.

   Rock sugar can moisturize the lungs, clear fire and brown sugar. Rock sugar is cool. If you use brown sugar for a cold or cold, it is rock sugar.

   brown sugar is suitable for summer and winter, and rock sugar is suitable for spring and autumn. In spring, when the weather starts to get hotter, many people will easily cough and get angry and dry. If it is a dry cough without phlegm, you can use rock candy. It can not only clear fire, but also moisturize our lungs and remove lung heat.

  White sugar can detoxify and modulate emergency

   In fact, all sweet sugars have a little detoxification effect, and white sugar is due to the content of sugar Very high, the effect is relatively fast. In the past, if someone ate something toxic, in an emergency, people would immediately fill him with sugar water to detoxify. But in daily life, it mainly plays a role of seasoning. And white sugar also contains a lot of sugar, eating too much will affect your health.

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