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What is the reason for standing dizzy and dizzy for a long time?

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

   Stand up for a long time and immediately feel dizzy, black eyes, and numb legs and feet. This symptom is medically called orthostatic hypotension, or postural hypotension. The main reason is that when the human body squats or sits for a long time, when it suddenly gets up, the whole body blood quickly flows to the waist and legs, resulting in a temporary lack of blood supply to the brain. In addition, the operation of the brain and eyes needs to ensure that the blood supply is normal at all times. Therefore, even a brief lack of blood supply can cause dizziness and black eyes. In particular, some people with weak bodies need to pay more attention. Squat or sit for a long time. Do not stand up sharply. Your movements should be slow.

  When people are squatting There are some special cases of blood distribution in the body. The first is that the two legs are pressed tightly, the blood vessels are flattened, and the blood reaching the lower limbs is relatively less; the second is because the head is slightly forward when squatting, and the blood to the head is relatively distributed some. When you suddenly stood up, the blood vessels in the lower limbs were suddenly relieved of compression, so a considerable part of the blood flowed to the lower part of the body.

   Again, blood has a certain weight in the body. When you stand up suddenly, the blood flow flows to the lower part of the body due to the attraction of gravity and inertia The blood going to the upper body will decrease. In addition, when standing up, the head is also upright, and it is more difficult to spray blood from the heart to the high head.

  All these have made the blood in the head relatively reduced. The human brain needs blood to supply oxygen the most. Shortly reducing blood supply can make people feel dizzy due to transient cerebral anemia. In addition, due to the reduction of blood in the head, the blood supply in the eyeball is also naturally less, so that dazzling and Venus chaos will occur.

At the same time, anemia and hypoglycemia will aggravate this phenomenon.

   In this situation, don’t panic too much. Just take a short rest, exercise your muscles, the blood supply to the heart can return to normal, and the symptoms of dizziness and dark eyes will disappear.

  How to adjust?

  If there are no organic lesions, in general, anemia and insufficient blood supply to the brain caused by physical weakness are all It can be adjusted and improved by strengthening nutrition, regular work and rest, appropriate exercise and other methods.

  Whether you are sitting for a long time or squatting for a long time, remember to get up too fast and get up slowly.

  Normal work and rest, continuous sleep time should be maintained at 7-8 hours a day, staying up late and staying up all night is prohibited.

  Enhance nutrition, eat more blood and qi-enriching foods, such as Ejiao, red dates, peanuts, wolfberry, astragalus, angelica, Guipi pills, etc.

  Persist in walking, jogging, tai chi and other exercises every day to improve and enhance physical fitness and enhance cardiovascular function.

  During the process of conditioning, you can check whether your blood pressure is normal, dizziness, dizziness and other symptoms have been improved. If necessary, you can perform drug conditioning.

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