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Cervical Spine Exercise

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  Front and back:

  Before doing exercises, stand naturally, with your eyes straight, your feet slightly apart, parallel to your shoulders, and then akimbo your hands. During the movement, raise your head and lean back, inhale at the same time, look at the sky with your eyes, and stay for a while; then slowly lower your head forward to the chest position, exhale at the same time, and look at the ground with your eyes. When doing this action, keep your mouth closed so that the lower jaw is as close as possible to the front chest. After a short stay, repeat up and down four times. The main purpose of the action is: stretch, relax, and slow, so as not to feel uncomfortable.

  Stretch the arm and turn around:

  Before doing exercises, stand naturally, look up with both eyes, feet slightly apart, shoulder width apart, hands drooping naturally. Lift your right arm first, palm down, and raise your head to look at your palm. Your body slowly turns to the left and stays for a moment. When turning, pay attention to the heel turning 45 degrees, the body''s center of gravity leans forward, then the body turns to the right rear side, inhale slowly when rotating, and slowly exhale when turning, the whole movement should be slow and coordinated. When turning the neck and waist, try to turn it as far as possible, stay for a while, return to the natural style, and then change the left arm. When changing the left arm, the lowered hand should be slowly pressed along the root of the ear. After changing the arm, do the same again, and repeat it twice.

  Rotate left and right:

  Before doing exercises, stand naturally, look up with your eyes straight, your feet slightly apart, parallel to your shoulders, your hands akimbo. During the movement, first turn the head slowly to the left, while inhaling to the chest, let the right neck straighten, and stay for a moment, then slowly turn to the left, and at the same time exhale, let the left neck straighten, and stay for a moment. Do this repeatedly four times. It should be noted that the whole set of movements should be relaxed and stretched, so as not to feel dizzy.

  Shoulder lifting and necking:

  Before doing exercises, stand naturally first, binocular head-up, feet slightly apart, parallel to shoulders, hands drooping naturally . During the movement, the shoulders are slowly raised, and the neck is retracted as much as possible. After a short stay, the shoulders are slowly relaxed and lowered, the head and neck naturally extend, restore the nature, and then the shoulders are forced to sink downward, the head and neck are extended upward, and stay After a while, your shoulders relax and you breathe out naturally. Note that you should inhale slowly while contracting and extending your neck, hold your breath when you stay, and relax your shoulders and neck as much as possible when you loose your shoulders; after returning to the natural style, do it four more times.

  Swing left and right:

  Before doing exercises, stand naturally, look up with your eyes straight, your feet slightly apart, parallel to your shoulders, your hands akimbo. During the movement, the head is slowly tilted to the left shoulder, so that the left ear is attached to the left shoulder, and after a short stay, the head returns to the neutral position; then it is tilted to the right shoulder, and the right ear is attached to the right shoulder, after a short stay, then returned to the middle Bit. In this way, swing left and right four times, inhale when the head swings, and slowly exhale when returning to the neutral position. Shoulder and neck should be relaxed as you exercise. Slow and steady movements are better.

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