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What about dizziness?

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  Dizziness is characterized by frequent dizziness, and even symptoms of autonomic nervous disorders such as nausea, vomiting, and cold sweats. One thing to note is that vertigo is a symptom, not a disease. There are two main types: true vertigo and false vertigo. The harm of vertigo is precisely due to symptoms. Patients usually have recurrent vertigo, accompanied by deafness, tinnitus, and ear tightness, as well as symptoms such as hearing, nausea, vomiting, cold sweats, paleness, and cold limbs. .

  Due to vertigo There are many reasons, and the methods of care are different.

   1. The vertigo person should keep quiet and happy, ensure adequate sleep and rest, avoid excessive brain use, mental stress, etc. The diet should be light and appropriate to participate in physical exercise.

   2. For those who have dizziness caused by cervical spondylosis, choose a suitable pillow when sleeping, avoid long-term bow work, and pay attention to keeping warm.

  3. People with vertigo caused by high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis should always measure blood pressure to maintain blood pressure stable, control diet and blood lipids, diet should be light, and mood should be stable.

   4. Dizziness caused by anemia should be properly increased nutrition, food therapy and auxiliary drug treatment can be applied.

   Eat meals on the principle of being nutritious, fresh and light. Eat more eggs, lean meat, vegetables and fruits. Avoid fatty and spicy things, such as fatty meat, deep-fried food, wine, chili, etc. Nutrient-rich food can supplement the deficiency of the body, make qi and blood prosperous, and fill the brain.

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