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Let's take a look at some daily unhealthy practices

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

  In our daily life, light health is not enough for food, and safety is also important. However, we are still somewhat scientifically unhealthy. Did you do this?

  Unhealthy practice one: as long as the food has rancidity, as long as it is steamed, you can continue to eat it

  Among spoiled foods, there are many high temperature resistant bacteria, Therefore, some leftovers and leftovers may still cause food poisoning after being heated. In other cases, although the bacterium is killed, the toxins produced when it multiplies in food or the toxins of the dead bacteria cannot be completely destroyed. Therefore, spoiled food should be thrown away.

  Practice is unhealthy 2: bacteria are afraid of salt, so salted fish and cold meat foods do not need to be sterilized

   In fact, there is a kind of gastrointestinal pathogenic "Salmonella", a bacterium that can survive in high-salt meat for several months and is widely present in seafood. It also likes high-salt environment. It is also very easy to grow and reproduce in cold meat foods with high temperature and humidity In the environment, once the salty meat food is contaminated by it, it only takes 2-3 hours, and the number of bacteria can reach the level of poisoning food. Therefore, the preserved food needs to undergo strict high temperature sterilization before consumption.

  Unhealthy practice 3: Frozen food is free of bacteria

  Many bacteria will not die under refrigeration and freezing conditions, and some bacteria prefer to be in low temperature Living and breeding, such as halophilic bacteria that cause severe diarrhea and dehydration, can survive for 11 weeks at minus 20 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the food stored in the refrigerator should be eaten as soon as possible.

  Unhealthy Practice Four: Boiling = Sterilization

   This statement is only half right, and food poisoning can be roughly divided into two categories: bacterial and chemical . To eliminate bacterial pollution, you can use high-temperature cooking method for disinfection. However, chemical food poisoning is not avoidable by high temperature treatment, and sometimes boiling will increase its toxin. For example, the production of toxic nitrite in rotten cabbage, germination and solanine in immature potatoes, and aflatoxin in oil can not achieve the purpose of disinfection through high temperature. Therefore, we must learn to distinguish which foods are poisonous in order to avoid "strokes".

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