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The secret to longevity is to control these "five too"

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-27

   Excessive physical work and excessive mental work will cause damage to the body, causing the body''s oxygen consumption to increase sharply and generate a large amount of reactive oxygen, which in turn causes the organs to age and the immunity to decrease.

  Those who are too full cannot live long

  Excessive diet puts the stomach, intestines and other digestive systems in a tense working state, and all internal organs also Being overloaded and unable to maintain, it is easy to cause stomach problems, which will increase the burden and malformation of various organs in the body. Cardio-cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, fatty liver, obesity and other "rich diseases" are all culprits. In addition, the amount of parathyroid hormone in the body is directly proportional to the usual diet.

  People who are too "vegetarian" cannot live long

   long-term vegetarians can cause a lack of nutrients. This is because there are two kinds of protein that humans need: one is complete protein, also known as high-quality protein, which contains essential amino acids for human body, such as animal foods such as milk, lean meat, eggs and fish and shrimp. The main source of protein; the other is incomplete or semi-complete protein, which contains insufficient amount of amino acids, and all plant-based proteins belong to this category. Being a vegetarian for a long time will prevent the complete protein from being replenished in a timely and sufficient amount, resulting in a decrease in plasma protein, anemia, edema, decreased immunity, and susceptibility to infectious diseases, and fractures are not easy to heal.

  Those who are too "happy" cannot live long

   a happy mood is beneficial to the human body to a certain extent, but if it is sudden ecstasy, then Will

   He will be short of breath, that is, his heart will be loose. The heart is the main blood vessel, but heart qi deficiency cannot run blood. The weak blood circulation causes blood stasis in the heart blood vessel, palpitation, heartache, stroke and even death. In the "Epic Grass" written by Yu Chang, a medical scientist in the Qing Dynasty, such a case was recorded: "There were new nobles, who were immediately proud of each other, and did not return to the apartment. They died with a smile.

  太" Angers cannot live long

   Moderate anger is conducive to the venting of the ventilator and the smoothing of emotions, which is beneficial to the body. But if the anger is angry, "anger is angry" If the anger hurts the liver, it will lead to stagnation of the liver, an assault on the boss, a bloating headache, a red face and red eyes, pain in the liver area, irritability and irritability, and even hitting people to destroy things. , Commonly known as boredom, which is more harmful to health. In severe cases, the limbs will twitch and even faint due to gas convulsions.

   In short, health and wellness must be neutralized, that is, physical and mental activities such as eating, living, thinking about emotions, etc. There must be some restraint, just right. "Yellow Emperor''s Internal Classic" cloud: "If you can neutralize, you must live longer. "Only by maintaining a neutral state of impartiality can we really live longer.

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