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What to do if pregnant women do not drink milk

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

  As we all know, milk is not only rich in protein and vitamins, but also the best source of calcium. A bag of ordinary milk (250~300 ml) can provide about 300 mg of calcium, accounting for about 1/3 and 1/4 of the recommended calcium intake during the second and third trimester. This is difficult to compare with other foods. Therefore, "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007" recommends that pregnant women (mid-term and late-term) consume 250 to 500 milliliters of milk every day. However, some pregnant women do not drink milk for various reasons. What should I do?

  1. Yogurt and low-lactose milk can solve abdominal discomfort after drinking milk

   The main reason why many people do not drink milk is abdominal discomfort, bloating or diarrhea after drinking milk. This is due to the fact that milk contains lactose. After lactose in milk enters the small intestine, it needs lactase to digest and break down before it can be absorbed. However, a considerable portion of people lack lactase in their intestines, so they cannot digest and absorb lactose. After the undigested lactose enters the large intestine, it is fermented and used by bacteria in the large intestine to produce gas (bloating, discomfort), and at the same time increase the water in the intestinal cavity (stool loose or diarrhea). This phenomenon is medically called "lactose intolerance".

  Lactose intolerant people can still drink milk-milk products that do not contain lactose. Yogurt is the most common type. During the fermentation of yogurt, most of the lactose has been converted to lactic acid, which can be digested and absorbed without lactase. The disadvantage of yoghurt is that it can''t be heated, only cold drinks, and it is sour and sweet, it is difficult to reach as much as 500 ml. At this time, you can choose low-lactose milk, that is, milk that breaks down lactose "in advance" in the factory, such as Shuhua milk (Yili) and Xinyangdao (Mengniu). None of them will suffer from lactose intolerance.

   In fact, there are many ways to solve the problem of lactose intolerance. For example, ordinary milk is consumed in small quantities and mixed with other foods to avoid drinking milk on an empty stomach, especially in large amounts. You can even mix milk or milk powder with other foods to make milk rolls, milk buns, milk bread, etc. Therefore, as long as you can recognize the importance of milk and master the above basic methods, most people can "tolerate" milk and choose milk products that suit them.

  2. Increase the intake of soybean products

  Some pregnant women choose not to drink milk and have nothing to do with lactose intolerance, that is, do not eat any dairy products Then, the first thing to consider is how to ensure dietary calcium intake. After all, calcium is very important for both the fetus and the mother. At this time, the best recommendation is to increase the intake of soy products. In fact, it is precisely because soy products are rich in calcium and high-quality protein like milk. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007 recommended the combination of soy products and milk. "Eat milk, soy or its products every day. ".

   In terms of calcium content, tofu is undoubtedly the best in soybean products. Half a piece of tofu (about 200 grams) contains roughly the same calcium as a large glass of milk (300 ml). Why does tofu contain so much calcium? First of all, the soybean material itself contains more calcium. More importantly, the coagulant added during the production of tofu, such as gypsum (calcium sulfate) and brine (containing calcium chloride), etc., made the tofu calcium content soar. Two large soybeans (about 150 grams, containing 286 mg of calcium) make a piece of tofu (about 450 grams, containing 738 mg of calcium), the calcium content increased by 1.6 times. The increased calcium comes mainly from the coagulant gypsum and brine.

   The coagulant greatly increases the calcium content of soybean products, and two rules can be drawn from this. First of all, the calcium content of tofu is related to the "old" or "tender" tofu. The calcium content of old tofu is higher than that of tender tofu; while the calcium content of lactone tofu using "gluconolactone" (without calcium) as a coagulant is very high Low, a large box of lactone tofu (350g) contains only 60mg of calcium. Lactone tofu is sometimes called "Japanese tofu" and has a very delicate taste. There is also a kind of "Japanese tofu" in the supermarket which is made of eggs and has less calcium content.

  Secondly, the content of calcium in tofu far exceeds that of soybean products such as soybeans, soybean milk, and yuba without added calcium coagulant. Moreover, soy products that use calcium-containing coagulants like tofu, such as dried tofu, tofu silk, vegetarian chicken, and tofu skin, contain more calcium.

  According to the recommendations of the dietary guidelines, on the premise of daily consumption of milk, soy products equivalent to 60 grams of soybeans (and nuts) should be ingested every day during the second and third trimesters. 60 grams of soybeans are approximately equivalent to 300 grams of tofu, 120 grams of dried tofu, 1000 grams of tofu brain, 1200 ml of soy milk, and 45 grams of yuba (dried). Then, for pregnant women who do not consume milk, it is recommended to eat twice a day, soy products equivalent to 90 grams of soybeans, and try to choose calcium-rich ones, such as tofu, dried tofu, tofu skin, vegetarian chicken, etc. . The content of calcium in soy milk (the calcium content is only one-twentieth of milk), lactone tofu, yuba, and oil bean skin is low. In addition, mung beans, lentils, red beans, and other miscellaneous beans are not soybeans, which have low calcium content and low protein content.

  3. Green leafy vegetables can also provide some calcium

  Many people do not know that certain green leafy vegetables (such as rape, spinach, garland chrysanthemum, shallot, etc.) And dark vegetables (such as celery stems, broccoli, etc.) also contain more calcium. Taking rape as an example, a meal can consume 200 grams of rape, which can provide 216 mg of calcium.

  In terms of relative calcium content, green leafy vegetables are mostly inferior to dairy products or soy products, but the daily intake of green leafy vegetables is relatively large. According to the recommendations of the dietary guidelines, pregnant women should consume 300 to 500 grams of vegetables per day, of which 2/3 are green leafy vegetables. So they are also an important source of calcium. If pregnant women do not consume milk, they should increase the intake of green leafy vegetables, about 500 grams per day.

  Shrimp skin contains a lot of calcium. This is because shrimp skin is actually a skeleton. But shrimp skin is not a good source of calcium. The shrimp skin is very salty, and the taste is not suitable for a large amount of consumption. Only a few grams can be consumed at a time, so in fact, it can not provide a large amount of calcium. Similar sesame paste contains, because of limited consumption, they can not be expected to provide large amounts of calcium. Of course, for pregnant women who do not consume milk, it is still beneficial to increase the intake of shrimp skin and sesame paste.

  It must be pointed out that drinking bone soup cannot supplement calcium. It is widely said that drinking bone soup supplements calcium, but the calcium content in bone soup is very small. In the experiment, 500 grams of pork ribs were added and boiled for 70 minutes with water and vinegar. The resulting bone soup contained only 29 mg of calcium. If calculated according to 100 grams of bone soup, it contains only 2.3 milligrams of calcium, which is far less than soy milk, and it cannot be compared with milk. Bone soup is only suitable for seasoning, not calcium supplementation.

   4. Take calcium tablets in time

  Pregnant women who do not consume milk, if they do not intentionally increase soy products (about 90 grams of dry soybeans per day) With green leafy vegetables (about 400 grams per day), it will be difficult to meet the calcium needs in the second and third trimester. It should be known that 1000 mg of calcium should be ingested every day during the second trimester, and 1200 mg of calcium should be ingested every day during the second trimester. There is not enough milk, soy products and green leafy vegetables in the recipe. How can it be satisfied?

  At this time, pregnant women taking calcium supplements, it is very necessary to take 600 mg of calcium daily. There are many calcium supplement products on the market, as long as there is a formal drug standard or health food approval number, and the dosage is reasonable, you can choose. But it is generally believed that calcium carbonate is the preferred calcium supplement. It is characterized by low price, safe and effective, and the absorption rate is similar to most other calcium agents. When choosing a calcium supplement product, don''t look at the name of the calcium supplement product first, but rather what chemical composition it is. In addition to calcium carbonate, there are calcium lactate, calcium acetate, L-threose calcium, calcium gluconate, bone meal calcium, calcium phosphate, and amino acid chelated calcium. In practice, it also depends on whether the brand is reliable and the price is reasonable.

  However, the complex nutritional supplements containing vitamins and minerals that pregnant women often take are not suitable for calcium supplementation. Although they also contain calcium, the content is low, less than 600 mg.

   In addition, it is safe to take calcium supplements of 600 mg of elemental calcium daily, and generally do not have to worry about the side effects caused by excessive calcium supplementation. According to the recommendations of the Chinese Nutrition Society in 2000, as long as the daily calcium supplementation does not exceed 2000 mg, there will be no hidden dangers.

  Pay attention to high-protein foods

  As mentioned above, pregnant women who do not consume milk must add other calcium-rich foods or take calcium tablets. In addition to calcium, milk also provides more high-quality protein, 250 to 500 ml of milk provides about 7 to 15 grams of high-quality protein. Therefore, pregnant women who do not consume milk must also increase the intake of other foods rich in high-quality protein, such as eggs, fish, shrimp and meat.

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