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Nutritional light meal

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-28

  Whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, it’s not difficult to get good nutrition, just remember 3 sentences. ①Meals have staple food; ②Meals have vegetables; ③Meals have high protein foods.

   staple food refers to rice, steamed bread, noodles, rice noodles, bread, porridge, corn and other cereal foods, as well as rich beans (red beans, green beans, etc.) and potatoes (potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro) and other rich Starch food. They are the main source of energy and also provide nutrients such as B vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. It is not advisable to remove too much every staple food, otherwise it is easy to get fat.

  Vegetables are the most common, and there are many types, mainly providing vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Vegetables contain very little energy, so more is more beneficial. Generally, rapeseed, lettuce, spinach, and green leafy vegetables have the highest nutritional value, and red and yellow vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, and pumpkins also have high nutritional values. A simple summary is "the darker the vegetable, the more nutritious it is." It should be reminded that edible fungi such as fungus and mushrooms, as well as seaweeds such as kelp, seaweed and wakame are also vegetables, and their nutritional value is not low.

   High-protein foods are most easily overlooked. High-protein foods refer to fish, shrimp, meat, eggs, milk and soy products. They mainly provide high-quality protein, vitamins and trace elements, and are an important part of a balanced diet. Because protein is the most important nutrient for the human body and is difficult to store in the body, it is best to eat meals.

  Family meals are often easy to achieve the above three principles, but when going out to eat and choose light meals, they often can not take into account. For example, most noodles, rice bowls, and foreign snacks have meat or vegetables, or vegetables and meat. It is really difficult to meet the above three requirements at the same time, both light and oily, and full of flavor, but as long as you look carefully (not just for convenience), there are still healthy light meals.

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