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White sugar, brown sugar, granulated sugar, rock sugar...all sucrose

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-03

  The sucrose molecule contains 1 glucose and 1 fructose residue, which is digested into 1 molecule of D-glucose and 1 molecule of D-fructose in the small intestine and absorbed into the blood. Sucrose has the molecular formula C12H22O11 and a molecular weight of 342.3.

   Sucrose is the main product of photosynthesis and is widely distributed in plants, especially in sugar beet, sugar cane and fruits. Sucrose is the main form of plant storage, accumulation and transportation of sugar. Most of the sugar in life, such as rock sugar, white granulated sugar, cotton candy and brown sugar, etc. are sucrose.

  White granulated sugar is the most important kind of edible sugar, with the sweetest taste. Sugarcane and sugar beet are used as raw materials to obtain juice, filter, remove impurities, clarify, vacuum concentrate and cook crystals, remove honey, wash sugar and dry. Or use raw sugar (squeeze sugar from sugar cane and sugar beet for juice extraction, simple filtration, clarification, concentration through boiling, center separation to form sugar crystals. It is light brown) as raw material, vacuum concentrate to cook crystals, remove honey, wash sugar, Obtained after drying.

  Mian White Sugar is made from white granulated sugar and raw sugar, which are dissolved and recrystallized. The soft white sugar is soft and delicate in texture, with small crystalline particles. During the production process, about 2.5% of invert syrup is sprayed, so the taste is sweeter than granulated sugar.

  Brown sugar is a red crystal made from sugarcane by squeezing and extracting juice. The main ingredient is sucrose, which also contains a certain amount of glucose, fructose, molasses, trace elements, vitamins and other nutrients. According to different processing methods and properties, it is divided into brown sugar, brown sugar powder, lump sugar, brown sugar (Japan), yellow sugar (Hong Kong and Guangdong) and so on.

   crystal sugar is a crystalline remanufactured product of granulated sugar. Naturally-produced rock candy has various colors and shapes such as white, yellowish, and light gray. The traditional rock sugar (polycrystalline rock sugar) is to put white granulated sugar in a suitable amount of water to dissolve it, boil the sugar, and reach a certain concentration before entering the crystallization basin. After cultivating the crystal in the crystallization chamber for one week, remove the mother liquor and control it to remove the sand bottom and crush it. After drying, the mixed package is shipped from the factory.

  cube sugar, also known as half-cube sugar, is a semi-square sugar product made by pressing fine grain refined granulated sugar as raw material.

  After digestion and absorption of the above-mentioned various sugars in the intestine, they all enter the blood in the form of glucose and fructose (1:1), first reach the liver for preliminary processing, and then output as blood sugar or fat. Therefore, they have almost the same nutritional value.

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