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How to do a low-fat diet

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-03

  Controlling fat intake (low fat diet) is one of the most commonly used therapeutic diets in the clinic.

  People who lose weight need a low-fat diet

  People with coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis need a low-fat diet

  dyslipidemia (high blood fat) People need a low-fat diet

  people with fatty liver need a low-fat diet

  patients with biliary diseases such as gallstones and cholecystitis need a low-fat diet

  hepatitis patients Need a low-fat diet

   So, how to achieve a low-fat diet? This must start from the source of fat. Fat mainly comes from three types of food, one is fish, meat, eggs, milk, soy products, nuts and other high-fat natural foods; the second is cooking oil, such as soybean oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, olive oil, etc.; the third is from Processed foods that add more fat, such as fried foods, biscuits, bread, instant noodles, burgers, snacks, etc. Generally, the fat content in grains, vegetables and fruits is very low. For the specific content of fat in each food, you have to check the "Chinese Food Composition Table".

   First, let’s talk about the first category. Low-fat diets usually require less fat, while ensuring the intake of protein, especially high-quality protein. Meat, eggs, milk, fish, and soy products are sources of high-quality protein, so you cannot easily reduce your intake. How to reduce fat? First, choose "lean" (relatively low in fat) meat, such as fish, shrimp, seafood, chicken, turkey, beef, lean pork, lean lamb, rabbit, etc., try not to choose fat Meat with high content, such as fatty meat, fatty lean meat, pork belly, fatty beef, fatty lamb, pork chops, steak, duck, goose, etc. In addition, soy products (lower fat) can be added to replace some meat. Second, replace normal milk with skimmed milk or low-fat milk; third, eat egg whites instead of egg yolks (because the fat contained in the eggs is mainly concentrated in the egg yolks). Fourth, during cooking, remove the visible fat, such as chicken skin, fatty meat, skin, roe and so on.

  Followed by reducing the consumption of cooking oil, daily intake of about 15 to 20 grams (two tablespoons) or less of cooking oil. This amount is very different from the amount we usually eat, which is only half of the actual consumption. It is not easy to do this. It is recommended to use a scaled oil pot for cooking, strictly control the dosage, and avoid frying or over-oil cooking. In addition, when cooking, choose cold, dipping sauce (raw), steaming and other processing methods without oil or little oil, and advocate "oil-free cooking". Vegetable oils rich in “monounsaturated fatty acids” such as olive oil and camellia seed oil have special benefits for most diseases that require a low-fat diet.

  The last point is probably the most difficult to do. Eat foods that have added a lot of fat during processing, such as biscuits, bread, instant noodles, burgers, fritters, fried snacks (such as French fries), Pastries, etc. For packaged foods, you can check whether the edible oil and vegetable oil are added to the ingredients list. Without looking at the list of ingredients, all food that tastes delicious must contain a lot of fat, because only fat can provide aroma.

  All in all, a low-fat diet is not as simple as a light diet. You have to make a lot of adjustments to the daily diet structure and change many eating habits, otherwise you will not be able to achieve low-fat.

   Therefore, most of the time, the doctor tells the patient that the low-fat diet is just to talk about it, and it has never been implemented.

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