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How to solve the problems caused by drinking

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-04

  Ethanol (alcohol) contained in various alcohols is a very special ingredient. After ingestion, the metabolism of ethanol is significantly different from other food ingredients such as protein, fat and sugar. Understanding the characteristics of ethanol metabolism helps to enjoy its feelings and reduce its harm.

  1. How to avoid drinking and gain weight

  Ethanol contains more energy, 1 gram of alcohol can provide 7 kilocalories of energy (1 gram of fat provides 9 kilograms) card). But ethanol can neither be converted into fat, nor can it be converted into sugar or glycogen, which can increase body weight (fat). Ethanol itself cannot be stored in the body, it is always preferentially metabolized into energy (and water and carbon dioxide). Therefore, as long as you drink alcohol, pay attention not to consume high-fat, high-energy foods, and eat less food to control the total energy intake, you can avoid the growth of "beer belly" or gain weight.

  2. How to avoid rapid drunkenness

  Ethanol is a very easily absorbed substance, and like water, it can be absorbed into the stomach Blood (most other nutrients have to enter the small intestine to be absorbed). Ethanol absorbed by the stomach enters the blood, and does not need to pass through the liver, but directly into the head and brain. Appearances such as blushing and excitement. Of course, people with small amounts of alcohol will experience dizziness, discomfort, and depression. In order to avoid rapid absorption of ethanol, drinking on an empty stomach should be avoided, mainly because the stomach is not empty. In other words, before or at the same time drinking, you should eat something. In terms of the effect of diluting ethanol and delaying absorption, eating steamed buns, pancakes, bread, biscuits, noodles, etc. is a good choice.

  3. How to reduce gastrointestinal irritation

  Ethanol has a certain irritation, which is also the reason why high concentration ethanol can be sterilized and disinfected. In order to avoid the stimulation of gastrointestinal mucosa by ingesting ethanol, especially those who have gastrointestinal diseases themselves, the following measures can be taken to protect the gastrointestinal tract (mainly gastric mucosa). Within a few minutes before drinking, drink milk, yogurt, soy milk, egg whites and other protein-rich and liquid foods. These foods will form a protective layer on the surface of the gastric mucosa and reduce the stimulation of ethanol.

  4. How to protect the liver

   Almost all ethanol is metabolized in the liver. The metabolic process is probably ethanol→acetaldehyde→acetic acid→carbon dioxide+water+energy. Among these metabolites, acetaldehyde is a harmful substance (while ethanol and acetic acid are basically harmless) and can damage liver cells. The size of acetaldehyde damage to hepatocytes mainly depends on the concentration of acetaldehyde and its retention time in the blood. Therefore, drinking less alcohol each time (reducing the amount of acetaldehyde) can reduce liver cell damage. Of course, it is theoretically a good idea to speed up the conversion of acetaldehyde (harmful) to acetic acid (harmless). Unfortunately, the rate of conversion of acetaldehyde to acetic acid depends on the "acetaldehyde dehydrogenase" in the liver cells. The activity of enzymes is difficult to change by eating certain foods or health products. Therefore, the so-called protection of liver cells refers to the timely repair of liver cells after they are damaged. Don''t drink alcohol continuously. Adding B vitamins, vitamin C, taurine, and some traditional Chinese medicine ingredients can help repair liver cell damage.

  5. How to increase the alcohol consumption

  The so-called alcohol consumption refers to a person drinking before the obvious drunkenness symptoms (brain symptoms or gastrointestinal symptoms) the amount. In the process of ethanol metabolism to carbon dioxide + water + energy, the most critical decisive factor is the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase. People with high acetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity have a strong alcohol metabolism capacity and a large amount of alcohol; people with low acetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity have a weak alcohol metabolism capacity and a small volume of alcohol. The activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase depends mainly on heredity, but it can also be induced by ethanol-frequent drinking increases the activity of this enzyme, thereby increasing the amount of alcohol. Studies have shown that the enzyme will not be induced by sugar, tea polyphenols or vitamins, and fruit, tea, juice and the like will not increase the amount of wine.

  6. How to avoid dehydration

  Ethanol has a certain diuretic effect and can accelerate water loss. At the same time, ethanol also dilates blood vessels and accelerates the evaporation of water. Therefore, ethanol can dehydrate people. The most direct consequence of dehydration is being very thirsty and thirsty, in addition, it will affect the body''s function, reduce immunity, and induce chronic diseases. Therefore, when drinking alcohol, drink more water and eat some soup. After drinking, you should drink more white water, tea, fruit juice or something.

  7. How to speed up the hangover

  After drinking a lot of alcohol, don’t sleep if possible (if you fall down uncontrollably, you can’t sleep ), should find ways to speed up the excretion of ethanol. First, active vomiting, like gastric lavage, is the best way to reduce the continued absorption of ethanol. Second, sing or speak loudly, so that a part of ethanol or its metabolites is sent from the lungs. Third, drink plenty of water, dilute the ethanol in the blood, and promote the excretion of ethanol metabolites from the urine. Fourth, strengthen activities and sweat, such as dancing, on the one hand, accelerate the metabolism of ethanol into energy, on the other hand, you can also expel some ethanol through sweat.

   Drinking a lot of alcohol often will cause many health problems, such as weight gain, gastrointestinal damage, liver damage, high blood pressure, and nutritional deficiencies. The above measures may solve some of the problems, but the most basic way is to drink less or not.

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