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Extremely ignorant food

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-07

   Yesterday, an employee of our hospital sent me a text message to ask me a question. Can strawberries and bananas be eaten together? I replied, yes. She asked again, why can it be? Someone must have told her that strawberries and bananas cannot be eaten together. She should ask why that person can’t, instead of asking me why. I say yes because no one has been victimized by eating strawberries and bananas at the same time, and there is no such possibility in theory.

   It is common for people to talk about food, but they have to talk about it. Because the absurdity of food is always circulating. On February 22, 2010, a newspaper newspaper "Alert on ten deadly home cooking dishes" once again proposed ten competing food combinations. They were actually criticized as early as possible. I don''t know what the editor meant, and they quit.

  The ten combinations are: spinach + sauerkraut (caused by nitrite poisoning), carrot + wine (liver disease), beef + chestnut (indigestion, vomiting), radish + fungus (allergic dermatitis), Tofu + onion (calcium loss), shrimp + persimmon (poisoning), radish + fruit (cause goiter), carrot + white radish (damage vitamin C), potato roast beef (cause gastrointestinal dysfunction), vitamin C + shrimp (The arsenic caused death.) Several of the combinations did not explain the reasons, and several combinations explained the reasons, giving us the opportunity to analyze its absurd nature.

  beef + chestnuts Beef and chestnut are mixed and eaten, prone to indigestion and vomiting symptoms. According to the "Diet Just Essentials" record: "Beef can not be eaten with chestnuts." Chestnuts are rich in vitamin C, up to 40 mg per 100 grams. Beef contains many trace elements. The vitamin C in chestnuts easily reacts with the trace elements in beef, weakening the nutritional value of chestnuts. The two are eaten together and are not easy to digest. Therefore, beef should not be eaten with chestnuts, it is best to eat them at intervals.

   First of all, "Eating Essentials" was edited hundreds of years ago, and it is full of mistakes, so you cannot use "Eating Essentials" to make an argument.

  Secondly, there is not that much vitamin C in chestnuts. According to the data provided by "Chinese Food Ingredients List 2002" (edited by CDC Nutrition and Food Safety), every 100 grams of chestnut contains 24 mg of vitamin C.

Finally, the most important thing is, "Vitamin C reacts with trace elements" This is the naked "three hoops" (nonsense, nonsense, nonsense). Vitamin C will not react with trace elements at all, nor will it weaken the nutritional value of beef.

  potato roast beef Potatoes and beef cooking together, long-term consumption can easily lead to gastrointestinal disorders. Potato roast beef is a dish that everyone likes and is familiar with. From a taste point of view, this is a delicious dish, but from a health point of view, it should not be advocated for long-term consumption. Because the concentration of stomach acid required for potatoes and beef to be digested is different, it will prolong the residence time of food in the stomach, which leads to the prolonged digestion and absorption of gastrointestinal tract. Over time, it will inevitably lead to disturbance of gastrointestinal function.

   "Potatoes and beef require different levels of stomach acid when they are digested" This is completely alien language, which is both puzzling and contrary to common sense in physiology. There is also no causal relationship between "extending the residence time of food in the stomach" or "extending the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption time" and "leading to the disturbance of gastrointestinal function". Another whole "Three Hus".

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