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What water to drink

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-08

  What kind of water to drink is definitely a topic of divergent opinions. It is not surprising that benevolence sees benevolence and wise sees wisdom, but the strange thing is that these disputes are basically not based on serious scientific research, often based on product promotion or hearsay. . Some people have integrated the advertising of various aquatic products together to form a set of "unique" good water theories, and preached a lot, because he does not sell specific aquatic products, it seems completely public welfare. , So it is easier to be accepted by the audience, and therefore more "deceptive".

  Here we first introduce the recommendations on what water to drink in the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007". "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007" clearly states: "Boiled water is the most suitable drinking water for the human body", "Boiled water is the most economical and practical first choice drinking water for human health" because it has many advantages: ① After tap water is boiled, it is clean Sterile. ② After the tap water is boiled, it can improve the water quality in some areas (mainly due to the high content of calcium ions and magnesium ions in the water quality) (calcium and magnesium are precipitated in the form of scale). ③ The preparation is simple and economical.

  It is well known that the quality of plain water depends on local tap water, and the quality of tap water depends on the quality of the water source. The harmful substances in the water quality of the water source (regardless of low water or surface water) can be roughly divided into three categories. The first category is pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, and parasites. These pathogens are disinfected by tap water (hypochlorous acid is currently commonly used), Boiling and other means are easy to eliminate. Except for accidents, they generally do not pose a threat to human health. The second type is physical particles, such as dust, sand, plant debris, algae, and debris. These pollutants can be easily removed by water treatment processes such as filtration and precipitation in water purification plants, even if there are very small particles. Being completely removed, they are very harmless to human health. The third category is chemical substances, such as residual pesticides, heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic, etc.), nitrates, various chemical pollutants, etc. These chemical pollutants have small molecules, strong solubility, and low reactivity. It is difficult to remove through the existing tap water disinfection, water purification treatment process and boiled water boiling, etc., and they are chronically harmful to health and are harmful substances that need to be focused on. In addition to the harmful substances from the water source, drinking water may also be contaminated by harmful substances during the process of disinfection, water purification treatment, and pipe network transportation. In view of this, the country has detailed and clear requirements for the quality of drinking water. "Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water" GB5749-2006 (implemented since July 1, 2007).

  According to this sanitary standard, there are a total of 74 toxic chemicals that need to be detected and controlled in domestic drinking water (including 21 items of inorganic compounds such as lead, arsenic, nitrate, etc., and organic compounds such as formaldehyde and dichloromethane 53 items such as methane, tetrachloroethylene, etc.) In qualified drinking water, the concentration of these harmful toxic substances must be controlled within a certain safe range. So, at least in theory, qualified tap water is completely trustworthy. However, in actual life, the following issues need to be considered: ① In the case of environmental pollution, harmful chemical pollutants are very complex, which may be more than the above 74; ② Whether all indicators in the national drinking water sanitation standards have been fully Test and meet the standard; ③ Even if the concentration of qualified drinking water harmful substances has been controlled within a safe range, it is undoubtedly beneficial to continue to remove these harmful substances to make it less.

  Therefore, various household devices for purifying water have appeared on the market, that is, using various principles (such as filtration, infiltration, and adsorption) to purify tap water again (mainly for chemical substances). At least in theory, these devices are useful, but when buying specific products, you need to consider the following questions: ① Whether the device can remove chemical substances, if it can only kill pathogens (boiling water can be done) and physical Particles (health harm is small), and chemical substances can not be removed, it is of little significance. ② What principle does the equipment use to remove chemical substances, and if it is claimed that it can decompose chemical substances or react with chemical substances, it is not very reliable, because chemical substances in drinking water are usually very low in reactivity and concentration, Chemical reactions are less likely to occur, and even if chemical reactions can occur, the newly generated chemical substances after the reaction are likely to be harmful. ③How many chemical substances can be removed by this equipment, and the concentration of chemical substances in qualified tap water is already very low, and how much can be removed by such equipment? If it can only be removed a little, is it cost-effective to buy? ④The equipment Whether it will bring new pollution, if it is difficult to clean and disinfect, it will inevitably lead to pollution after a long time.

   The same thinking applies to all kinds of purified water (bottled and bottled). Purified water uses tap water as the source of water to clean and remove harmful substances (such as the aforementioned chemicals) and beneficial substances (such as Calcium, magnesium, potassium and other minerals needed by the human body), which is undoubtedly good in theory. Although beneficial minerals are removed, it will not cause the human body to lack minerals, because the minerals needed by the human body are mainly provided by food and drinking water. Very little is provided. Jiang Zhuoqin, professor of nutrition and doctoral tutor at Sun Yat-sen University, said in an interview with the Guangzhou Daily on July 5, 2008, "Among the minerals we consume every day, the proportion of ingestion by drinking water may be less than 0.1%. , Completely negligible". Are all kinds of pure water processed more purely than tap water (boiling water)? How pure is it? Is it possible to be contaminated again? Is the cost-effective value? These are the issues that consumers should consider when buying pure water.

   It is precisely because the human body mainly obtains the required minerals through food, and the minerals in the drinking water have little significance to the human body, so the mineral water (naturally gushing from the depth of the ground or artificial mining is not affected by Contaminated natural groundwater is filtered, sterilized and filled, and contains certain concentrations of minerals. The health benefits are also very limited. For the same reason, the minerals contained in mineral water (by artificially adding minerals to improve the mineral content of water, the raw material is usually city tap water) are also of little health benefit, and are generally considered to be smaller than mineral water. Because minerals in mineral water are natural, mostly in ionic state, and are relatively easy to absorb, minerals in mineral water are added artificially, and absorption and utilization are yet to be studied. In August 2008, the advertisement claimed "Selected high-quality water source" Master Kang’s mineral water was exposed, and its raw material was actually city tap water. It was then discovered that all brands of mineral water were actually processed with tap water. This is an open secret, and it’s not illegal. It’s normal.

   Therefore, in the final analysis, drinking water is to replenish water safely and conveniently. As for other rhetoric, such as pure, mineral springs, and minerals are not important, tap water with good water source and qualified disinfection process ( Compared with pure water, mineral water, mineral water, etc., even if it has a little advantage, it is not important, let alone necessary. I think this is why the Chinese Nutrition Society recommends plain boiled water in the "Chinese Resident''s Dietary Guidelines 2007".

   is now a market economy society, there are a variety of aquatic products on the market, in order to promote, sell and profit, these aquatic products have issued health brands, what is "magnetized water", "hexagonal water", "Alkaline water", "reduced water", "small molecule water", "active water", "electrolyzed water", each aquatic product claims to bring great health benefits, and some even openly claim to be treatable Various diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. But these claims are at most only concepts, and speculation in theory may have a little benefit, but it has almost never been confirmed by serious academic research. No decent research can be retrieved in the data path of nearly ten million medical and health academic papers. Almost all of these statements and theories are promoted through popular science channels such as newspapers, the Internet, magazines, and lectures. Most of the behind are promoted by various aquatic product merchants.

   "small molecule" , "Hexagonal water" as an example. Because water molecules are polar molecules, natural liquid water does not exist in the form of single molecules, but in the form of molecular clusters. The smallest water molecule cluster in nature is formed by the association of 6 water molecules, commonly known as hexagonal water. Snowflakes in nature are hexagonal, so the snow melt is a natural small molecular cluster. In addition, glacial water, deep mineral water, mountain streams, waterfalls, and flowing river water may all belong to smaller molecular clusters. The molecular clusters of reservoir water and tap water placed in time are relatively large. These claims are basically facts. The properties of small-molecule water are different from those of large-molecule water. For example, the dissolving power and permeability are stronger, which can basically be established. However, few serious academic studies have confirmed that the water of small molecular clusters is more beneficial to health, while the water of large molecular clusters is not conducive to health.

  Alkaline water is the same. The National "Sanitation Standards for Drinking Water" GB5749-2006 requires the pH of the water to be between 6.5 and 8.5 (basic, 7 is neutral). Under normal circumstances, the pH value of the human body is maintained between 7.35 and 7.45, which is also weakly alkaline. These facts have been used by businesses as evidence to support the health benefits of alkaline water, but Jiang Zhuoqin, professor of nutrition and doctoral supervisor at Sun Yat-sen University, clearly stated in an interview with a reporter from the Guangzhou Daily that the pH of the human body does not require special intake of alkali at all. Sexual water (and acidic or alkaline food) to maintain, because the body''s self-regulation ability is very strong, will stabilize the pH value in the normal range. In short, the acidity and alkalinity of drinking water does not affect the body''s acidity and alkalinity, which is the most basic physiological knowledge.

  Most consumers are often unaware that the health claimed by many products is just a concept, a means of promotion, a ten-word rhetoric that cannot be taken seriously. Now, consumption is diversified. As we all know, there are high-end “luxury goods” in fashion-related businesses such as cars, clothing, watches, cosmetics, alcohol, and decorations. Products that are expensive and can be used for consumption but more importantly for showing identity or gaining a good sense of self (such as being different) and self-confidence. Some expensive aquatic products or water equipment are such luxury goods. If you have the ability to consume, and you are willing to accept luxury goods, you can choose these aquatic products, because they (except for fake and inferior) are indeed of good quality, clean and hygienic, good taste, and good service; but if you If you do not have the corresponding consumption capacity, you can drink plain water or some ordinary bottled water or bottled water that is not very expensive. There is no need to spend luxury in order to obtain the so-called health or non-existent curative effect. Goods.

Finally, we need to remind you not to drink raw water (water that has not been sterilized and filtered), steamer water, repeatedly boiled water, or boiled water that has been left for too long. In addition, do not replace water with beverages. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2007 pointed out that it is an unhealthy habit for some people, especially children and adolescents, to drink large amounts of sugary beverages instead of drinking water every day. It should be corrected.

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