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Eat these humble foods to reduce cancer risk

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-25

   Don’t underestimate the inconspicuous staple food such as noodles and potatoes, they are also great for preventing diseases. A new study from the University of Cambridge in the UK has shown that eating starch-rich foods such as bananas and cooked cold potatoes can reduce the risk of bowel cancer. The study found that the consumption of Chinese starch is the highest in the world, more than double that of the United Kingdom, and the incidence of colon cancer in China is less than half that of the United Kingdom. Similarly, Australians who eat meat-based foods have four times the incidence of colon cancer as compared to Chinese food-based starchy foods.

  So, how does starchy food play a role in preventing colon cancer? After starch enters the colon, bacteria in the colon break it down. During the decomposition process, starch accelerates the discharge of waste products that may cause bowel cancer from the digestive tract. Starch-rich foods are often rich in potassium, which plays a vital role in maintaining the excitability of intestinal neuromuscular, which is conducive to smooth stool and plays a role in preventing and treating colon cancer. Secondly, after fermentation of starch-rich foods such as vinegar, tempeh, yeast buns, etc., the content of immune active substances such as B vitamins increases, which is conducive to maintaining the balance of intestinal flora and removing carcinogens. And starch in the intestine by fermentation enzymes will produce a lot of butyrate. Experiments have proved that butyrate is an effective inhibitor of cancer cell growth. It can directly inhibit the proliferation of bacteria in the large intestine and prevent the production of cells that may cause cancer in the inner wall of the large intestine.

   Therefore, people should pay attention to eating more foods rich in starch in their daily diet. There should be starchy food in every meal three times a day. In general, the total daily intake of starchy foods should account for 50% of the total daily energy- 60%. In addition to the foods rich in carbohydrates, such as rice, corn, wheat, etc., and root foods, such as potatoes, yam, and sweet potatoes, people should also add more beans and starch. Fruits, such as bananas and dragon fruit. It is recommended that you can often eat healthier starchy foods, mainly the following: freshly squeezed fruit juice, steamed sweet potatoes, steamed yam, steamed pumpkin, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, boiled corn, jujube porridge, tempeh, etc. Of course, there are some starchy foods that are too much to eat and are not good for your health. You should try to eat as little as possible, such as French fries, potato chips, snacks with high margarine, and various exquisite cereal snacks.

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