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Can athletes drink alcohol

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-05-15

   wine is closely related to modern sports. Whether it is for improving sports performance (a few) or for socializing (most), it is very common for athletes to drink alcohol. Together with the sponsorship and promotion of beer and alcohol beverage manufacturers, alcohol has been called a part of sports culture. Although alcohol is not a member of the IOC’s list of stimulants, it is still considered illegal in certain sports, such as shooting and fencing. This is because alcohol stimulates the cardiovascular system and can relieve tremor and emotional excitement caused by tension in sports with fine motor control.

  Effects of alcohol intake immediately before and during exercise on exercise:

  Some athletes report that alcohol intake immediately before and during exercise produces In order to improve the function of the body, this feeling is often only a psychological drive. Alcohol is usually used to raise the pain threshold, enhance self-confidence, and transfer psychological obstacles during the game. Studies have shown that ingesting alcohol immediately before and during exercise is not good for improving muscle energy and exercise capacity, because it actually has some harmful effects and it is best to avoid it. It has been known that when considering factors such as concentration, observation ability, reaction time and coordination ability, the effect of alcohol is negative (this is also the reason why drunk driving is prone to traffic accidents).

  Effect of alcohol intake on recovery after exercise:

   1. Low-level beer (less than 2% alcohol) or mixed beer (put beer with lemon) (Water mixing) is not harmful to rehydration after exercise. However, the use of higher-concentration (greater than 2%) alcoholic beverages will reduce the effectiveness of fluid replacement and is not recommended.

   2. A large intake of alcohol will prevent athletes from consuming enough carbohydrates to achieve optimal muscle glycogen storage. Before ingesting alcohol after exercise, athletes should eat some high-sugar foods or snacks to promote the recovery of glycogen.

   3. Alcohol prevents recovery after exercise, such as muscle or soft tissue damage. Athletes with soft tissue injuries should be prohibited from drinking alcohol within 24 hours of injury.

   4. The most important role of alcohol is to affect the ability to judge, the incidence of accidents and high-risk behaviors of drunk athletes increases.

   5. "Carnival drinking" or drunkenness will have a negative impact on the training or competition the next day.


  There is no evidence that the reasonable use of alcohol will damage the health and exercise capacity of the body. Of course, there is no evidence to suggest that drinking alcohol can improve exercise ability; in fact, drinking alcohol during or immediately before exercise, or drinking heavily in the evening before the game, is detrimental to exercise ability. Drinking alcohol after exercise also has an adverse effect on recovery after exercise. Athletes cannot avoid the social problems caused by drinking, including the increased incidence of traffic accidents caused by driving after excessive drinking.

  Athletes are not only the educated objects of how to drink alcohol correctly, but also the spokespersons who educate the society in this respect. Because athletes belong to public figures, their words and deeds have an impact on the public. At present, most adults in the world drink alcohol, so instead of telling people how to reduce the damage of drinking to health and exercise ability, it is better to tell people how to develop a good lifestyle.

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