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The therapeutic effect of a bowl of rice

BY Carol Carey 2020-05-17

   There is a food therapeutic effect that is "invigorating and nourishing qi, invigorating the spleen and stomach, removing thirst, diarrhea and diarrhea; benefiting urination, nourishing the stomach and intestines; strengthening the yin and strengthening the bones, rejuvenating, improving eyesight, etc.", what is this What about food? When I used this question to ask my students, their answers were varied, including yam, sea cucumber, honey, yam, barley, rabbit... In fact, the correct answer is japonica rice-just ordinary rice.

   Many people are puzzled, japonica rice-does a bowl of rice really have so many therapeutic effects? The answer is actually very simple, you don’t eat any food for three days, you know how important a bowl of rice is, how much "Food therapy". It is not surprising that our ancestors paid so much attention to the therapeutic effect of a bowl of rice in the ancient days when the theory of diet therapy was born. Many people may not know that there are many "Gu Gu prescriptions" in ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine in the past-even after taking these prescriptions, you can starve and die without eating any food for half a year or a year. Of course, we know today that it is impossible. But why are such things flooding the famous ancient medical books? The reason is very simple. Those contents are the products of history, and the diet is also. Whether a bowl of rice can play so many diets depends on the age and the endurance. In the hungry ancient times, the therapeutic effect of rice was absolutely huge. However, in today''s society where there are plenty of food and sufficient nutrition, it is impossible to eat a bowl of rice to play the same role.

   Therefore, I am not going to oppose TCM diet, but I am against applying ancient theories directly to today’s diet. Fundamentally speaking, dietary therapy belongs to ancient times. Of course, ancient times are not necessarily wrong. On the contrary, I also think that Chinese people had the theory of dietary therapy thousands of years ago. This is very great, but if today We still use the theory of food therapy thousands of years ago to guide food selection, which must be very ridiculous.

  Some people are so obsessed with those historical products. They never reflect on it a little bit, and they can’t tolerate any other objections. They will definitely attack this group of my essays.

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