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Autumn Moisturizing Food

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

  Autumn is refreshing and the mood is pleasant, but the dry climate is often the key moment of our skin care. The dry climate draws water from our bodies, making us feel that the skin is dehydrated and the whole body becomes dry. At this time, we must pay attention to conditioning the body, effectively hydrate the skin, and nourish the skin''s delicious food is essential. Such as bird''s nest, shark''s fin, scallops, jellyfish skin, kelp, snails, snake meat, etc., such foods have a close relationship with the physiological metabolism of skin and mucous membranes, and regular consumption will get the necessary proteins, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements of skin mucosa. Supplementation and metabolism.

When the climate is dry, if you don’t pay attention, people will be attacked by dryness and evil, such as dry mouth, dry cough and no phlegm. Appropriate drinking water and porridge can strengthen the stomach and spleen, moisturize the lungs, nourish the yin and clear dryness. When drinking water and cooking porridge, the proper addition of pears, radishes, sesame and other foods is conducive to the benefits of lungs and moisturizing.

  Introduce some good moisturizing food products:

  (1) Moisturizing crystal dumplings

  【Raw material】100g chicken, 50g mushrooms , 50g yam powder, 150g high-quality starch.

  【Production】 The chicken is chopped into minced meat and mushrooms are cooked and chopped. The two are seasoned to make a stuffing. The yam and starch are mixed with water to form a dough. The dumplings are about 50-60 steamed dumplings. Served immediately.

  【Efficacy and Application】 Moisturizes and nourishes the skin, nourishing beauty and beauty.

   (2) Jade Skin Lotion

   [Raw Material] 50g each of lily, mung bean and black bean, 10g of sugar osmanthus and 10g of honeysuckle.

   [Making] Lily, mung bean, black bean and honeysuckle are cooked together in water. After cooked, add sugar osmanthus to the juice and drink.

  【Efficacy and Application】Clear heat and remove spots, moisturize skin. Regular clothes can remove skin pigment spots, can make the skin moisturizing and beautiful.

  (3) Lily chicken slices

  【Raw material】100g lily, 250g chicken breast, egg white.

   [Making] Lily is washed into petals, chicken breast slices are hanged in pulp, the chicken pieces are fried in a frying pan, and then the lily is put in and fried into hibiscus lily chicken pieces.

   [Efficacy and Application] Clears heat and nourishes the heart, nourishes Qi and beauty. There is nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs, which is beneficial for chronic dry cough and dry skin.

   (4) Shuanghaishengjin

   [raw materials] 100g of kelp and 50g of jellyfish skin.

   [Making] Kelp and jellyfish skin are washed, kelp is heated and cooked and shredded, and jellyfish skin is shredded, and then the two are mixed and mixed with ginger, vinegar, sugar and sesame oil to prepare.

  【Efficacy and Application】Moisturizes the lungs, clears away heat, and nourishes blood. It is beneficial for chronic dry cough and pharyngitis.

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