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Stir-fried black bean sprouts with garlic

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Black beans are a type of soybeans. The other two types include yellow soybeans and green soybeans. The difference between black soybeans is not only containing 36% protein, but also rich in unsaturated fatty acids and minerals. The vegetarian content is significantly higher than other soybeans. Before the liberation of black beans, mule horses ate feed, and people only ate soybeans. There are currently three types of black beans, a black-skinned yellow heart, a black-skinned green heart, and a smaller black-skinned green heart black bean. Relatively speaking, smaller black beans have lower calories and fat, while dietary fiber and anthocyanins are higher.

  Black beans are nutritious, but There are also substances that affect nutrient absorption, such as phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors, etc. Moreover, cooking whole black beans is not easy to digest, and it also produces a lot of gas, easily causing bloating. God always puts the secret of solving problems in the world. After the black beans have germinated, the phytic acid that affects the absorption of nutrients is removed. After proper cooking, the trypsin inhibitor loses its activity. And after germination, not only black beans are more easily digested and absorbed, but also some minerals and vitamins have increased significantly.

  Black bean seedlings are foods with high content of fat-soluble vitamins such as chlorophyll, lutein, carotene, vitamin K, and the content of water-soluble folic acid in vegetables is very significant, up to 140.7 μg/100g , And the dark green leek is only about average, is 61.2 mcg/100g. Vegetables rich in folic acid are easy to lose when cooked at high temperature for a long time, so vegetables with high folic acid content, such as black bean seedlings, should be cooked in the way of shabu, boiled, hot and fry.

  Black bean sprouts are rich in dietary fiber, which is very suitable for people who exercise less and eat more meat. They can not only provide prebiotics, but also promote intestinal peristalsis, eliminate lower toxins in the body, reduce serum cholesterol and postprandial blood sugar.

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