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Do you know that yam can be a staple food?

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01

  Everyone usually eats yam after washing the yam and steaming it in the pot, then peeling and eating it directly. We often see it in the multigrain basket when eating out. Yam can also be used to make soup, such as yam ribs soup; yam can also be made into osmanthus steamed yam, or blueberry yam. Today I want to tell you that yam can be fried into a dish.

  Little fried yam with red color inside Peppers, yellow colored peppers, as well as Dutch beans and black fungus, there are red, black, green, yellow, white, the color is very beautiful! When eating in a restaurant outside, a phenomenon often seen, Especially at the banquet table, after the last meal, the staple food comes up, but everyone can no longer eat it, but the total calories are likely to exceed the standard, but the amount of carbohydrates is not enough, and the diet structure is not reasonable. To solve this problem, a very good way is to add staple food.

   In fact, I was already on the show a few years ago. I often tell everyone about this topic, that is, you can make the staple food into the dish, so that when you eat the dish, you eat the staple food unconsciously. A lot. Although yam is classified as a vegetable in the "Food Ingredient List", it can be used as a staple food, because the carbohydrate content in it is already very high compared to vegetables, which can reach 12% -16%, if you take it as a dish, and then eat extra staple food, it will increase the total calorie of the meal, but if you eat it as a staple food, after eating yam, reduce the amount of staple food , Then it also reduces the total calories in a meal, which is very reasonable.

   And in a table, there are often fish and meat, and other seafood, these foods are rich in protein, especially seafood like squid, there are more Of cholesterol,. Cholesterol is what our body needs, but when you eat too much, it may cause a lot of trouble to our body, so you should achieve a balanced meat when catering, that is to say, you order outside Sometimes, this needs to be considered.

   When ordering, plant foods must be more than meat foods, like vegetables, fungi and algae, all contain a lot of dietary fiber, vitamin C, they can help reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the body, In particular, the content of mucopolysaccharides and mucins in yam is very high. In addition to improving the body''s immunity, it can also help us reduce cholesterol absorption. The soluble dietary fiber in yam gives people a very good sense of satiety. When it enters the intestine, it can also promote intestinal peristalsis and help us expel toxins from the body.

  When it passes through the intestine, it can also promote the liver to excrete more bile acids, and can block the bile acid intestinal circulation, and then reduce the probability that the bile acids secreted by the liver can be reused. That is to say, to a certain extent, it can reduce the probability of our body''s own synthesis of cholesterol. Therefore, foods such as yam can be used as a dish or a staple food. It can both reduce the absorption of cholesterol and It can reduce the probability of cholesterol synthesis in our body, it is a very healthy ingredient!

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