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What are the healthy food in winter

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   has a feeling of sorrow for sour soup fish hot pot. At first, when I first ate it, I thought it was heavy and spicy like many popular dishes. After tasting, I realized that the red soup was cooked with fermented tomato from the wild tomatoes in the mountainous areas of Guizhou. It was cooked together with rice acid made from fermented glutinous rice and other grains.

  Guizhou is located in mainland China, Known as the land is three feet flat, so the traffic is blocked, and many ingredients cannot be transferred and traded in time. In the end, people chose fermentation, roasting and air-drying to save food. This also created a unique minority flavor of Guizhou. Gourmet.

  Sour soup with soy bean sprouts and yellow bean sprouts and local specialty konjac tofu. Both bean sprouts and konjac are healthy foods rich in dietary fiber, which can help digestion and promote gastrointestinal motility. Bean sterol and water-soluble dietary fiber have an important role in lowering the body''s cholesterol level. Speaking of the nutrition of sour soup fish, of course, the most solemn is the fish in the pot.

  The fish used for making sour soup fish is not the ordinary "green, grass, silver carp, bighead" four major fish, nor the famous fish such as "shad, carp, perch, mandarin fish", but from Guizhou Wujiang fish, a local specialty, is airlifted daily. This fish looks like ordinary catfish, but the meat is whiter and has excellent elasticity. The skin of Wujiang fish is my favorite. It is not only rich in collagen, but also rich in fish skin. The thin fat under the skin is rich in w-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, which is particularly good for the health of human heart and brain blood vessels.

  It’s still about the combination of dishes. This dish is a combination of meat and vegetables. It has high-quality fish protein and plant protein in soybean sprouts. There is a certain amount of protein between different species. Complementary role. Let''s talk about the beauty and beauty effects of sour soup fish, in fact, this is not a myth. Wujiang fish is not only rich in collagen, but also contains more proline and lysine like bean sprouts (more reasonable than the nutritional structure of trotters), they undergo a hydroxylation reaction in the body and are synthesized with the help of vitamin C The body''s own collagen.

  Everyone knows that the vitamin C content in tomatoes and soybean sprouts is very rich, it can soften blood vessels, help cholesterol discharge, and protect tissues and organs from oxidative free radicals, so this dish Unique and reasonable nutrition. Moreover, the soybean phytic acid is destroyed after germination, and no mineral antagonism is produced, which not only improves the utilization value of protein, but also increases the absorption probability of important inorganic salts such as calcium and magnesium.

  The locals rumored that sour soup fish is also a man''s delicacy. Often eating sour soup fish will be energetic and strong. Perhaps many people will regard this kind of legend as a joke, but if you listen carefully to my analysis, you will feel a little bit surprised. Male sex hormone synthesis needs to be rich in protein and minerals. This dish is not only rich in various minerals, but also contains high-quality protein, and its protein is mostly short-chain myosin, which is very easy to heat and mature. It is easier to digest and absorb. Sour soup fish also contains a lot of lycopene, carotene and vitamin C, which are important elements to protect blood vessels and male prostate. The prostate is one of the important glands of men, and its role plays an important role in men''s life. At present, the incidence of male prostate diseases in my country is very high, and the unspeakable males are full of them. In addition to the regularity of life, the necessary amount of exercise every day and sleep, regular intake of lycopene is the most obvious way to protect the prostate. Moreover, lycopene also protects the breast and uterus of women. Regular intake of lycopene can help reduce the incidence of breast cancer and cervical cancer in women.

   There are a small amount of chili in this dish, the taste is generally sour, the slightly spicy taste is suitable for more people, and it is also the best state of health, because too thick and spicy food is actually good for the body It is a chronic injury, especially in the dry north. According to Chinese medicine, acid has an astringent effect, which can help the body''s yang to accumulate, which is very important in the cold season.

   From a culinary point of view, sour and spicy has a good effect of removing fishy and greasy. The fish cooked at home will feel fishy if you let it cool. However, that day I deliberately tasted another bite of sour soup fish at the end, and found that not only did it not have any fishy smell, but also a unique mellow flavor.

   It is very valuable that this dish can be used as a dish alone, or as a hot pot to eat a variety of vegetables, fungus and soybean products, and even other meat. I once said: The most reasonable way to eat is a hot pot with low temperature cooking and a buffet that can be arbitrarily matched. These two ways can be completely decided by you, as long as you put a healthy diet principle in your heart to achieve a balanced nutrition and a reasonable diet You can get good food and get healthy at the same time!

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