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What to eat in summer is better

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Summer is the hottest season of the year, both weather and properties are very hot and abundant! What foods should we eat on a hot summer day? Nutrition experts often say: eat more white in summer Meat, including poultry and aquatic products. Among them, aquatic products are more nutritious and healthy foods, which are not only rich in high-quality protein and unsaturated fatty acids, but also contain a variety of important trace elements, these are very precious elements for health.

  Silverfish is a very good The food is not only petite and cute, but also exquisite and clear, delicious, and can cook a variety of dishes and soups, and its nutrition is relatively easy to digest and absorb. Silverfish, also known as silverfish, noodle fish, clam remnant fish, white rice fish, is not only a high-protein low-fat food, but also has a good therapeutic effect, it is also suitable for hyperlipidemia patients.

  Chinese medicine believes that it has a sweet taste, is good for the spleen and stomach, and can be suitable for lungs and diuresis. It can treat diseases such as weak spleen and stomach, coughing of the lungs, and fatigue. Chinese whitebait is a specialty of Taihu Lake, while small whitebait is usually caught in the Mediterranean and Atlantic. It is available all year round, but the meat is the most fat in spring and summer. Both fresh and frozen fish are sold. The white is slightly transparent, but it is only about 3 cm long, and it has no scales. It has always been used as a whole food (the internal organs, head, wings, etc. are not removed and eaten as a whole), and the whole food is currently used as a natural "longevity food" Confirmed by the International Nutrition Society.

  The price of whitebait is not too high, probably the price is 15-20 yuan per catty, but too transparent whitebait shows signs of artificial post-processing. In addition to the smell of fresh aquatic products, the normal fresh whitebait is milky and shiny.

  Bitter gourd and whitebait stall eggs

  Material: 1 bitter gourd, 50 grams of whitebait, 3 eggs, a little ginger.

  Seasoning: 2g salt, 5g water starch, 1g pepper.

  Production process:

  1. After seeding the bitter gourd, cut it into thin slices with a knife. The whitebait is soaked in water and washed, the eggs are whipped evenly, and the ginger is finely chopped.

   2. Put the raw materials and seasoning into the basin together, stir the starch in water.

   3. Slide the pan with oil, reheat it and pour in the ingredients, shake the spoon to prevent the eggs from sticking to the pan.

   4. It is estimated that one side is fried yellow, then turn the pan to fry the other side until it is cooked.

  5. Cut the fried whitebait bitter melon fried egg into large pieces and put it on the plate.

  Tips: How to wash whitebait, prepare a small pot of water, pour the fish in, then gently stir with your hands to let the dirt settle, and then use the filter to pick up the small fish, follow this Method Rinse three or four times, then boil the fish with boiling water, so you can cook with confidence.

   Suitable for people: It is suitable for ordinary healthy people, and has better dietary treatment effect for people with calcium deficiency and hidden colon cancer.

  Whitebait contains protein 72.1%, which is much higher than the commonly consumed salmon, herring, eel, perch, etc.; the fat is 13%, which is also higher than the average fish species; each 100 grams can supply 407 kilocalories, which is almost 5-6 times that of big yellow croaker. The calcium content per 100 grams is as high as 761 mg, which is almost the crown of school fish. Recently, American scientists conducted a large-scale population survey and confirmed that eating calcium-rich foods can effectively prevent the occurrence of colorectal cancer, and rectal cancer is just one of the main causes of cancer in the elderly. Therefore, whitebait is actually a rare anti-aging and anti-cancer delicacy.

  It has been determined that the smaller the whitebait, the richer the amino acids. It is currently known that every 100 grams of dry product contains 48.20 mg of lysine, 2308 mg of methionine, and 3352 mg of threonine. Isoleucine 4176 mg and valine 4396 mg are higher than octopus and yellow croaker.

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