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What food supplement calcium and spleen

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Everyone knows that phytic acid in flour will greatly affect the absorption of calcium, so we can not get the calcium in many pasta. However, there is a good way to not only eliminate this unfavorable factor, but also increase the absorption of calcium and other nutrients.

  The buns and rolls we often eat , Buns and other noodle staple foods have a much higher calcium absorption rate than dumplings, noodles or wontons. Because yeast will destroy the phytic acid in the flour during the reproduction process, and through this process, it will also increase the B vitamins that are easily destroyed in ordinary dead noodle foods. Since the calcium in the noodles is not affected, we can take the opportunity to add some foods with high calcium content to make together with the buns and rolls.

  The best way is to add milk or milk powder to the flour. After many times of practice, it has been proved that the calcium content in the steamed bread with milk and noodles or milk powder added without water can be doubled, and The steamed steamed buns are soft, white and rich in milk. Milk buns are very suitable for the elderly, children, pregnant women and other people who are prone to calcium deficiency, but many of these people have weak spleen and stomach. The foods that are usually used for health care and diet are not able to absorb the nutrients in them, so I considered using them A Chinese medicinal material with both food and medicine is used as an ingredient to solve this problem.

  After many times of practice, I use Poria powder to add to the flour, and then use milk and noodles. After repeatedly adjusting the ratio, I finally tried to produce Poria cosmos buns that fully meet the dual requirements of gourmet and nutritional diet.

  Poria milk-flavored small steamed buns

  Materials: flour 400g, Poria powder 100g*, 250ml milk.

  Seasoning: 20g yeast powder, 5g sugar.


   1. Mix the raw materials with milk and form an appropriate soft and hard dough, knead it evenly and smooth, and then hair for 1 hour.

   2. Knead the dough that has been made into long strips, pull it into a bun agent, cut it with a knife or knead it into the shape of a small bun.

   3. Continue to send the kneaded buns for a while, put them in the steamer of SAIC, steam for 20 minutes on high heat, stay for 5 minutes after turning off the heat, and then take out.

  Nutrition review:

  Poria cocos mainly contains starch, lecithin, glucose, adenine, histidine, choline, p-poria glycan degrading enzyme, lipase, protease The other ingredients have the effects of strengthening the spleen and stomach, calming the mind and calming the mind, and removing dampness and water, which is widely recognized in traditional Chinese medicine. Because Poria has no peculiar smell, it is easy to be accepted by everyone, and the therapeutic effect is better, so it is often used at home.

  Poria milk buns are rich in calcium, B vitamins and carbohydrates that are easily absorbed. They are both a staple food and a simple and effective medical diet. I believe everyone will like it very much!

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