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What is the treatment diet for hypertension

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

  Hypertension is a "stealth killer" that seriously harms human health. In recent years, more and more people with hypertension in China have become younger and younger. Apart from some genetic factors, most people are Because of the trouble caused by improper diet.

  1. Hypertensive patients need to Eat less high-salt foods, and what else should you eat less or not?

  Avoid high-cholesterol, high-fat, high-sodium foods, as well as fried, greasy, and spicy foods, so as not to increase too much Heat and stimulate blood vessels to contract.

   2. Is there any food that can play the so-called "hypertensive" effect?

  High potassium and low sodium foods can play a hypotensive role, you can eat some potassium, magnesium, Calcium-rich fruits and vegetables and fruits, soy products, etc.

  3. What should be paid attention to when cooking diet for hypertensive patients? (For example, is there any difference in using oil and seasoning from those with normal blood pressure?)

< p>   Try to avoid the use of animal fat and too salty, too sweet, as well as fried, greasy, spicy food, and some mild spices are not conducive to lowering blood pressure, should be used as little as possible or not.

   4. Many teenagers are also suffering from high blood pressure. What are the differences in diet between this type of young hypertension patients and elderly hypertension patients?

  Adolescents Barbecue, greasy and spicy foods like spicy hot food, grilled skewers, etc. should be avoided. In addition, the intake of meat, tobacco and alcohol and the amount of salt used should be strictly controlled, and eat less salty snacks and dried fruits.

   5. Some patients say that the cholesterol of egg yolk is too high, and patients with hypertension cannot eat it. Is this correct? Why?

  In the hospital’s clinical diet, patients with hypertension Eat three or four eggs a week. If blood pressure is difficult to control, reduce the intake of high cholesterol foods such as egg yolk. Sometimes although dietary fiber can help eliminate some cholesterol, it is not enough to control blood pressure and stabilize.

   6. Some patients say that drinking tea can lower cholesterol and play a role in regulating blood pressure. Is this statement correct? Why?

   Drinking more water can thin blood and reduce blood viscosity Degree, reduce the probability of thrombosis. High blood pressure patients are not suitable to drink strong tea, because theophylline has the effect of exciting blood vessels, which is not conducive to lowering blood pressure.

  7. Is there a special ratio requirement for the meat meal ratio of three meals a day in hypertensive patients?

  Hypertensive patients should eat as few meals as possible, eat a light diet, and avoid overeating Gluttony, tobacco and alcohol, spicy stimulation. Food is more vegetarian than meat, especially to reduce the intake of livestock meat, keep drinking low-fat milk every day, eat an appropriate amount of soy products instead of some meat protein intake, supplement calcium. You can eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

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