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Teach you how to make a charming and delicious fruit meal

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-03

   There is always a debate about how to eat fruits and when to eat them. Whether to eat before or after a meal, or to eat it at the same time as a main meal. Some nutrition experts once said that anyone who is not hyperacidic can eat fruits before meals or on an empty stomach. So what''s the problem with eating fruit together with dinner? If you use fruit as part of your meal''s nutrition, it''s okay to calculate the total calories, as long as it''s not an extra calorie.

  fruit and dinner What are the nutritional issues that should be paid attention to when eating together? Personally, as long as the fruit is timed and fired when cutting and cooking, there are no adverse factors, as long as it is eaten, cut, and fried, at least It retains more nutrients than fruit juice whose cells are completely broken, and even some unique ingredients in fruits can help the digestion and absorption of food. For example, many fruits contain proteolytic enzymes and rich vitamin C, which can help the body to digest and absorb protein, but also to facilitate the digestion and absorption of some inorganic salts. The absorption of iron and zinc requires the help of vitamin C.

  The rich pectin in fruits can effectively reduce the absorption rate of cholesterol in food. So what''s left is the question of when to put fruit in the cooking fruit dish and how long it is fried. The fruit contains a lot of vitamin C and some tannic acid. When the fruit is cut, it is easy to start to oxidize under the air and high temperature, so it needs to be put in when the dish is about to mature, that is, it avoids the exposure time in the air and reduces it. The time of cooking in the pot also maintains the sweet and crisp taste of the fruit.

  Most fruits are best for cooking some fresh and tender meat, such as fish and shrimp, pork tenderloin, chicken and other ingredients. I still remember that a cold dish made by my dad during the New Year''s Day was called melon melon, which was mixed with snow shredded pear, gherkin shreds and brightly colored hawthorn cake shreds with sugar. The taste is also really good, cool and sweet, very tasty!< /p>

  Mango Fried Shrimp Balls

   Ingredients: 200 g of fresh kiwi shrimp, 200 g of fresh mango, 50 g of green pepper and 10 g of ginger.

  Seasoning: 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon chicken powder, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon water starch.


   1. Cut the mango with a knife and tear off the skin.

   2. Cut the shrimp back with a knife and pick the shrimp line; cut the mango meat into diamond-shaped pieces, slice green pepper and ginger.

   3. Boil the water in the pot, put a little oil and boil the cooked shrimp balls. When the color of the shrimp balls turns red, roll them out and drain immediately.

   4. Put olive oil in the pot, stir-fry ginger slices at low temperature, add green pepper and shrimp balls to stir fry, cook a little soup and season, add the sliced mango flesh, stir fry quickly That''s it.

  5. The fried mango shrimp balls should have no excess soup, bright and moist colors, crispy and tender shrimp taste, and mango sweet and smooth.

  Nutrition effect: Mango has very low calories, but the equivalents of provitamin A and retinol, as well as potassium and magnesium are very rich. Fresh Kiwi shrimp is crisp, tender and delicious, with a protein content of 18.2 mg per 100 g and is a high-quality protein. Shrimp meat is also rich in inorganic salts calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and selenium, of which the selenium content with increased resistance and anti-cancer effect is as high as 39.7 micrograms per 100 grams, no wonder shrimp has the reputation of "licorice in meat".

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