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Misunderstandings about milk (2)

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-08

  Some people say that yogurt contains less calcium and contains antibiotics, which destroys probiotic bacteria in the human intestine. This kind of statement is ridiculous. There are a lot of live bacteria in yoghurt, and lactic acid bacteria are very sensitive to antibiotics, so drinking yogurt can avoid the harm of antibiotic residues in milk. Yogurt has a slightly lower calcium content than milk due to the addition of 7% sugar, but the calcium in it is more efficient than calcium in milk. This has been experimentally verified, so drinking yogurt is conducive to calcium absorption.

   4. Milk cannot be added with sugar

   Some people say that milk with sugar will produce "fructose-lysine", which affects the absorption of amino acids. This statement is also one-sided. Milk is rich in lysine and heating with sugar will cause a "carbonyl browning reaction", which destroys part of lysine. But it must be known that this reaction occurs only under the conditions of high temperature and long-term heating, and it has nothing to do with the addition of white sugar, because milk itself contains a lot of lactose, and lactose is more prone to this browning reaction than white sugar, even We add sugar to the milk and boil it for a minute or two without worry. Of course, if you just add sugar without heating, you don''t have to worry about it.

   5. High calcium milk contains high calcium

  Milk itself is the best source of calcium. "High calcium milk" sounds even more icing on the cake. But what is the actual situation? According to foreign research reports, the calcium content in 100 grams of high-quality milk raw materials is 110-140 mg. According to the author''s unit test, the calcium content of every 100 grams of commercially available ordinary milk is 102-107 mg; the calcium content of every 100 grams of high-calcium milk is 109-112 mg. The two are almost the same. There is enough calcium in milk. Adding more calcium to it is not only technically difficult but also of no practical significance.

  . Do not drink yogurt before a meal

   Many people say that you cannot drink yogurt before a meal, for three reasons: ① drinking yogurt on an empty stomach, protein will be wasted; ② lactic acid bacteria have strong stomach acid conditions It will die and hinder its health care effect; ③ The lactic acid in yogurt has a stimulating effect on the stomach. In fact, none of these three reasons support fasting and never drink yogurt.

   First, ordinary sweet yogurt contains 7% sucrose and 3% lactose. They can provide heat for the human body, and the protein content is only. Therefore, when you drink yogurt on an empty stomach, the protein in the yogurt will not Converted into heat energy and wasted.

  Second, except when hunger is strong, the stomach is not necessarily completely empty before meals, and the stomach acid content is not necessarily high, so lactic acid bacteria may not be completely killed. Moreover, even after a large number of lactic acid bacteria die, some health effects may be affected, but the nutritional value remains unaffected. Studies have shown that the bacterial fragments and extracts of lactic acid bacteria still have a certain health care effect, it is better to drink than to drink.

Finally, the acidity of yogurt produced in China is lower than that of western countries, and the sugar content is relatively high. The protection of protein and gum in it does not cause a great impact on the stomach of healthy people. Irritation, so people with normal gastrointestinal function drink yogurt before meals without hindrance. However, people with stomach ulcers, hyperacidity and other diseases should be careful when drinking yogurt on an empty stomach.

   7. Do not drink yogurt while taking antibiotics

  Someone suggested that you should not drink yogurt while taking antibiotics. However, scholars believe that taking antibiotics can cause intestinal flora disorders and also reduce immunity. It is also necessary to take yogurt frequently to adjust the balance of flora and protect the body''s resistance. After stopping the medicine, continue to drink yogurt for a period of time, can greatly reduce the side effects of antibiotics, restore the body''s normal flora balance. Taking antibiotics may kill the live bacteria in yogurt, thereby reducing its health care value, but it is still possible to drink yogurt, drinking yogurt will not affect the effectiveness of antibiotics.

  8. Milk cannot be consumed with tea, coffee and chocolate

  The reason for this is that oxalic acid, tannic acid and other ingredients in tea, coffee and chocolate may be different from those in milk Calcium binds and precipitates, affecting absorption. Some scholars pointed out that even if they are not consumed at the same time as milk, these substances may react with minerals after entering the body, regardless of whether they are consumed with milk. Some people even think that calcium and oxalic acid in milk or tofu precipitate in the digestive tract, but can protect the human body and reduce the risk of kidney stones.

  Slightly reduced calcium absorption in milk is not a cause for concern. As long as you drink more milk, you can make up for the small amount of calcium lost. If you reduce the amount of milk consumed for these reasons, you will get less calcium. Rather than drinking less milk, it’s better to drink less coffee or to drink green tea with a lower tannin content.

   In fact, Westerners often eat milk chocolate and drink coffee with milk; many ethnic minorities have the habit of drinking milk tea. These did not bring them nutritional deficiencies, nor did they affect their physical development.

   9. The "healthy milk" is as expensive as possible.

  The consumption levels in the market are various, and some people are willing to "only buy expensive, not buy right" originally It''s not to be blamed, but many products promote sales in the name of nutrition and health, and they do not hesitate to manufacture a variety of concepts. The OMP incident of a well-known brand is a good example. Over the years, OMP with a bone-building effect has been promoted. Not only is it suspicious, The operation was illegal and was criticized by the Ministry of Health. Similar concepts are emerging one after another, such as "organic milk", "quality milk", "children''s milk", "sea cucumber milk", "intellectual milk", etc., consumers can listen to it without having to take it seriously.

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