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What are the taboos of eating hot pot

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

   It has been three days since our "Eleventh" holiday. People relax and adjust themselves in different ways. It may be necessary to have good food, so as the solar terms cool down, eating hot pot is also an option. When I went to eat hot pot, my classmate called on the phone and asked some topics about healthy eating that people often care about. She said if she could make us eat hot pot clearly, I would like to make a public announcement through blog posts!

  Remember to eat hot pot

   1. Avoid hot food. Don''t take the hot food from the hot pot immediately to the mouth. It should be cooled in the bowl before eating, so as not to burn the esophageal mucosa and cause ulcers. If you eat hot food regularly, it will destroy the taste of the tongue, reduce the taste function, and affect the appetite. In addition, overheated food is also harmful to gums and teeth, which is easy to cause allergic dental disease. Hot food is also associated with the occurrence of esophageal cancer and throat cancer. close relationship.

   2. Avoid raw food. Lettuce and raw meat must be cooked before eating, in order to fully kill the bacteria or parasitic eggs in the food raw materials, reduce and prevent the occurrence of intestinal parasitic diseases.

   3. Avoid too spicy. It is appropriate to use spicy condiments. Eating spicy food can damage the gastric mucosa. In addition, patients with various tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, stomach problems and duodenal ulcers should eat less or no spicy food.

   4. Avoid greed. Hot pot ingredients are mostly meat, seafood and greens. These soups are mixed together to form a soup containing a very high concentration of "purine". Purine is digested and decomposed, and then metabolized by the liver to produce uric acid. It can reduce kidney function and hinder excretion, causing excessive uric acid to deposit in the blood and tissues, causing gout. Therefore, you should drink less soup when you eat hot pot, and drink water as much as possible to eliminate the excretion of uric acid. Also pay attention to the hot pot soup cooking time, each The ingredients of this kind of food are added to the soup separately, and the chemical reaction of the food will produce products that are unfavorable to the human body''s digestion and absorption. Therefore, it is not advisable to drink soup for healthy eating of hot pot, and it is not suitable to eat the original soup.

   5. Avoid long-term eating. Eating hot pot should not be too long. When eating hot pot, it is often a small room with many people, high indoor temperature, no air circulation, lack of oxygen in the room, charcoal burning is impervious, and a large amount of carbon monoxide is produced, which is easy to poison people. It is worth noting that carbon monoxide poisoning occurs at this time, and it is often difficult to detect. Because when people eat hot pot and drink alcohol again, it is easy to mistake the early symptoms of poisoning, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and headache, as the relationship between drinking and not easy to find early. In severe cases, the lips will be cherry red, coma, convulsions, blood pressure drop, and even death. Therefore, when a new friend raises a glass of wine and tastes hot pot, don’t forget to burn the charcoal completely, and don’t take too long to eat.

   6. Avoid overnight. It is not advisable to put leftovers in hot pot overnight. Eat the rest of the soup and vegetables and put them in the hot pot overnight. The vegetable soup can react chemically with the metal hot pot. Some chemical substances will dissolve in the vegetable soup. It is unhealthy for people to eat. In addition, the salt in the soup can also corrode the hot pot.

   7. Avoid specialization. Don''t like preferences alone, lack intemperance. When eating hot pot, it is best to pay attention to a balanced choice of food types and portions. Green leafy vegetables should be served last; seasoning should be light; use chopsticks to avoid infectious diseases.

   8. Avoid some dishes first. When eating hot pot, do not put green leafy vegetables and bamboo shoots first, to reduce the combination of oxalic acid and food calcium.

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