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Don't forget the "Tu Ginseng" in winter-eat carrots in winter

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-08

  Winter tonics and forget-to-do bases, then winter tonics and good-quality local ginseng is cheap!

  Since ancient times, it has been circulated that "eat radishes in winter and ginger in summer, doctors who don’t bother to prescribe As the saying goes, radish was called radish in ancient times, and in modern times, radish is also called "earth ginseng". Radish is a kind of food with high nutritional value and cheap price, and it is a good medicine.

  Radish enjoys the reputation of native ginseng, and it is reasonable to be widely regarded as the best season in winter:

  (1) It is cold in winter, in order to protect against cold To increase energy, there is more food intake than meat and fat. Then white radish contains many saccharification enzymes. This saccharification enzyme can decompose starch, fat and other components in food, which has the effect of promoting human digestion and absorption.

   (2) The increase in the intake of mild meat and other foods in winter, and the mustard oil contained in the white radish interacts with the enzymes in the radish to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, thereby It can increase appetite and help digestion. It can treat dyspepsia caused by excessive cooking oil and full stomach.

   (3) The crude fiber of radish can also expel waste toxins produced by protein metabolism, which is beneficial to purify the body.

   (4) White radish has a strong gas function, and can also relieve cough and phlegm, eliminate dryness and sputum, cool and detoxify, and facilitate defecation. In the winter, the indoors in the north are dry and the temperature is high, so it is necessary to remove the antipyretic and antipyretic agent, and the radish will become a good product.

  (5) Medical research at home and abroad in recent years has found that white radish contains a substance called "interferon inducer", which has an obvious antiviral infection effect and has the effect of preventing viral diseases in winter. benefit.

   (6) White radish also has anti-cancer effects. The main reason is that the lignin contained in the white radish can increase the vitality of macrophages, thereby engulfing cancer cells. In addition, radish contains an enzyme that breaks down carcinogenic nitrosamines. Therefore, radish is a kind of food with anti-cancer effect.

  Current animal experiments show that these ingredients can prevent tumor formation in the body. The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences has recommended that Americans should eat 3 per week. Sub-cruciferous vegetables (such as Chinese cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, radish, etc.) because they contain indigo base and isothiocyanate. And our ancestors have left this precious therapeutic method for our future generations. We must apply it in our lives.

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