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Eating loquat-good for keeping loquat core

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-12

  When we eat loquat, it is usually normal to throw away the nucleus. Today I want to tell you that loquat nucleus is also a treasure. In fact, loquat nucleus tastes bitter and flat, can reduce phlegm and cough, relieve liver and qi and intestine, and stay. It can be used right away and saved for autumn and winter. Let me introduce the application method of loquat core specifically.

  Materials: loquat core 50g, honey 50g

   Method: smash the loquat core, decoction with water, add honey to mix after cooling, and drink in 2-3 times.

   Function: Relieve cough and regulate qi.

   Application: cough, constipation, qi, hernia.

  Every time I cough, I think of eating some honey loquat cream. Now there are many loquats on the market. It is also the time to buy my own loquat cream. Let me introduce the homemade method:


   The first raw material is fresh loquat fruit. When buying loquat, ask the merchant for some loquat leaves, and then loquat core.

  Fresh loquat 1500g, peeled core, juice. Loquat leaf 75g, loquat core 150g (crushed), decoction and juice. Mix two juices, add rock sugar 100g , Boil the cream with mild fire, 1 spoon each time, 3 times a day. This is the ancient loquat cream.

  Function clears heat and cough, clears lungs and throat, quenches thirst and stomach. It is suitable for lung heat, impotence, cough and hemoptysis.

  If loquat leaves are out of stock, they can still be made, which affects the efficacy of reducing gas and reducing phlegm.

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