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What happens if you eat too much persimmon

Male  25 years old 2018-06-24
I especially like to eat persimmons. I went to my grandmother’s house yesterday and saw a lot of persimmons on the persimmon tree at the door, and they were all fully cooked. So I picked a dozen and took them home. I ate two or three in the evening. , I still want to eat it again, but my mother won’t give it to me, saying it’s not good to eat too much. What happens if I eat too much persimmon?

1 Answer These messages are for reference only

  • BY Penelope Judson 2018-06-24
    Persimmon is cold, and people with cold stomach should not eat it. Persimmon contains tannin, which is easy to combine with iron, which hinders the body's absorption of iron in food, so anemia patients should eat less. It is not advisable to eat persimmon when taking iron. Tannin in persimmon combines with iron to form a precipitate, which can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and even colic, as well as affect iron absorption.

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