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What to pay attention to body fat

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-13

   One of my girlfriends said, "Is it necessary to adjust the weight when spring comes, eat two meals a day, and stop eating if you are not hungry, increase some activities so that you can lose weight?"

  I listened to her. First of all, I agree with the spring growing season. Intensifying exercise is a good thing, but I don’t support it if you don’t go hungry or eat. First, it is a good thing to look at the proper amount of excessive intake, snacking too often, reducing gastrointestinal burden and frequent work; second, seeing the paranoia of the practice will also bring about disruption of normal physiological laws, and it is not worth advocating, so it is necessary to It is very important to understand the laws of metabolism and the triggers.

   Let me introduce some international viewpoints for reference!

   Each of us has a very important factor in the constitution and metabolic rate. The British professor discusses how the metabolic rate is affected by The influence of many factors. She said: "Age, gene, frequency of eating, muscle fat ratio, activity".

   Age —— Every ten years, the calorie required by people decreases at a rate of 2%, and the metabolic rate also decreases.

  gene-Some people have a high metabolic rate. I have to admit that some people don''t get fat when they eat anything, and some people look at chocolate and it seems that their weight will increase.

Frequency of eating—When people digest food, metabolism increases. People call this process the temperature effect of food, which is why some people feel their body temperature rises significantly after eating. In fact, research shows that every time you eat, people''s metabolism will increase by 20%-30%, and it will be higher within a few hours after eating. It is important to understand this because if people do not eat for a long time, the body’s metabolism will not increase. The body thinks that it is going through a famine, it will reduce the metabolism to store energy to cope with food shortages. Generally speaking, men can not eat food for 5 consecutive hours, but if women do not want to affect their own metabolic rate, they can not skip food for more than 3 hours.

   Muscle-to-fat ratio-muscle cells consume 8 times more energy than fat cells to maintain themselves, that is, the higher the ratio of muscle to fat in the body, the higher our metabolic rate.

  Longer life—obviously, exercise consumes more calories than meditation. This effect is continuous. Even if we stop exercising, the body''s metabolic rate will remain at a relatively high level for the next few hours.

To sum up, only by adapting to changes in the metabolic rate can we achieve self-management of weight.

   Then I will continue to introduce how to safely and effectively increase the metabolic rate? Some foods and beverages that can increase the metabolic rate; fat hormones and metabolism; why often "calorie-restricted" diets fail? etc. series Topics related to weight.

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