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Pork belly resists smog

BY Carol Carey 2020-06-14

   rumors exist every year, especially this year. The world is not peaceful, and rumors are everywhere. The weather is bad and the rumors don''t stop. There are reports that South Korea snapped up pork belly to resist smog, causing prices to rise and sales to soar. So, can pork belly resist the smog?

  Maybe pork belly is not possible, but Korean pork belly is possible. Why? Because in Korea, pork belly is particularly valued, it can be called a panacea oil, a panacea, and isatis root (this is a clerical error)... According to Koreans, (initially) eating pork belly can resist the dusty environment (such as Miners and construction workers), (later) against sandstorms, (now) against smog! The reason is that eating pork belly can "dissolve" the dust or dirt in the throat, dissolve, take away, and fight...although ambiguous. Verb, but the effect is surprisingly good. It has been reported that nearly half of South Korea''s pork consumption is pork belly, with a per capita annual consumption of 8.7 kg and huge imports.

  The harmful particles in the smog are mainly intended to enter the trachea and lungs, while pork belly or any other foods take another route-esophagus and gastrointestinal tract. The only possibility of smog and food contact is the moment of encounter in the throat, so for a short half second, who can treat who? How can it be mixed in the blood afterwards, but it is unrecognizable, digestive decomposition, conversion metabolism, absolutely There is no possibility of interaction. It’s too much to eat food to prevent smog. South Korean media also carried out widespread rumors about this. Rumors know no borders, so it seems to be the same.

   Less exposure and less breathing smog (stay indoors, less outings, less activities), and go out with professional masks or masks, is the effective way to prevent the haze hazard. If the haze has not entered the lungs, you can’t wait for it. You can take the following measures:

  1. When the haze comes, let yourself be young and strong (don’t be Children, don''t be old people). Young people have strong immunity, "resistance", and the ability to repair harm. Not all young people have strong immunity, those who do not exercise, eat poorly, have unhealthy lifestyles, and cannot have strong immunity.

   2. The elderly (especially those with chronic diseases) and children need more exercise, a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, and as much immunity as possible. Regardless of smog, dust, or extreme weather, people with strong immunity have greater immunity.

  3. A nutritious and balanced diet can make the body strong and increase immunity. This is an eternal truth, but to be more specific, fresh vegetables and fruits are particularly important. They are rich in vitamins and phytochemicals, anti-oxidation, and reduce the oxidative damage of harmful particles to the lungs. This sounds logical, but it is actually a stopgap measure, only better than waiting for death.

   4. Frequent exposure to smog makes Chinese people have the ability to resist smog (the principle is to increase the amount of alcohol compared with regular drinking), and it is better than Koreans without eating pork belly. This is just a beautiful blessing, and probably not a fact.

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