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Don't treat Chinese medicine as a snack

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-06-21

   When it comes to snacks, everyone is familiar with it: potato chips, melon seeds, sweets, etc. However, with the emphasis on health, Ejiao, jujube, turtle paste, herbal tea and other traditional Chinese medicines are taken as snacks to eat. Can you really get the effect of conditioning your body without any choice?

  Yin and nourishing kidneys vary from person to person:

  龟灵膏 : It has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, nourishing yin and kidney, eliminating acne, and laxative. The authentic tortoise ointment is mainly made of precious olecranon and tuckahoe, and it is refined with medicines such as Rehmannia glutinosa, dandelion, honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, etc. Everyone should know by looking at the heat-clearing drugs inside. For people, it is a "silver bullet".

   But for people with stomach cold, dysmenorrhea, infertility, and spleen and stomach weakness or rheumatism, they still eat less or not. At the same time, tortoise shell has the effect of exciting the uterus and promoting blood circulation, so pregnant women and menstrual women should not eat more. Don’t be guilty of “eye dizziness” as soon as you see it can nourish your body. Combine your physical condition and polish your eyes!

  Guyuan Buxue, fat people should not:< /p>

  Solid cream : As Guyuan cream is now sold in major supermarkets, eating Guyuan cream has also become a popular snack in modern times. Guyuan ointment is a food that nourishes the blood and nourishes the nutrients. The gelatin and red dates in the formula can nourish the blood, black sesame seeds and walnut kernels can nourish the kidneys, rock sugar can moisturize and dry, and the method is very delicate and easy to digest and absorb.

   is suitable for women to take for many years, and it is also suitable for the elderly to replenish blood and kidneys. However, if it is a young man with strong blood and qi, an obese person, a beer belly, or a person who has a lot of sweat and sweat all year round, it is not necessary to take Guyuan cream.

  Ume plum quenches thirst, use cough with caution:

   Ume juice and ume soup are also "fresh" snacks that everyone often drinks, it is a This kind of delicious summer drink has many effects, such as helping cough, regenerating, hemostasis, constricting the lungs, etc. The allusion of "Wangmei quenches thirst" may reveal its functions. Ebony juice is suitable for people with fever, thirst, indigestion, and chronic dysentery enteritis. It''s just that you should avoid drinking colds, fever, cough, sputum, and chest and diaphragmatic nausea. Patients with early bacillary dysentery and enteritis should also be taboo against ebony.

  The herbal tea is clear, the cold people are not suitable:

   herbal tea is a drink we are familiar with, and it is often seen in the southern market Herbal teas such as chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, and mangosteen are on sale, and many people also think that it is beneficial to drink more as a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. Of course, these drinks have made a lot of contributions to clearing heat and dehumidifying, nourishing yin and removing fire, but the stomach is cold. , Yang deficiency people still have to protect their stomachs and kidneys. In particular, lesbians who are afraid of cold limbs and children and the elderly who “fell” when they eat cold food should also be used with caution.

   In the summer, clinically often see some patients who eat cold drinks, drink cold beer, etc. due to post-cold diarrhea, still drinking herbal tea, green tea to add water to supplement, I think it is also abdominal pain Light! These patients are forbidden to drink such cold drinks, so as not to "add cold to the cold" and increase abdominal pain. In addition, some people also asked, can I heat these drinks? Can heating change the coldness of "wolf" of "wolf in sheep''s clothing"?

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