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Drinking water on an empty stomach is right or wrong
Drinking water on an empty stomach is right or wrong
Is it right or wrong to drink water on an empty stomach? This is a topic that is often talked about, like being able to eat breakfast on an empty stomach and drinking yogurt on an empty sto
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01
A cup of soy milk for a healthy breakfast
A cup of soy milk for a healthy breakfast
All along, many elderly women often ask me: "Prevent osteoporosis, drink soy milk or drink milk." In fact, the benefits of drinking soy milk are still unclear. There is a misunders
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-08-01
What soup is good to drink during chemotherapy
What soup is good to drink during chemotherapy
What kind of soup is good during chemotherapy? A healthy diet is an important factor for maintaining a good body, especially for patients after chemotherapy. All aspects of the body are ver
BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-23
Menstruation brings iron deficiency or anemia should be paid attention to
Menstruation brings iron deficiency or anemia should be paid attention to
Many people don’t know that menstruation can cause health problems for women. The large amount of menstruation is one of the main reasons that lead to iron deficiency and anemia in women fa
BY Carol Carey 2020-06-29
Diabetes, only food and collocation
Diabetes, only food and collocation
There are different opinions about what diabetics can eat, what they should not eat, and how they should eat. But most of the claims did not grasp the key, and did not follow the new claim
BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-28
Menstruation brings iron deficiency or anemia should be paid attention to
Menstruation brings iron deficiency or anemia should be paid attention to
Many people don’t know that menstruation can cause health problems for women. The large amount of menstruation is one of the main reasons that lead to iron deficiency and anemia in women fa
BY Berton Gladstone 2020-06-27