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What soup is good to drink during chemotherapy

BY Iris Wheatley 2020-07-23

  What kind of soup is good during chemotherapy? A healthy diet is an important factor for maintaining a good body, especially for patients after chemotherapy. All aspects of the body are very weak. To help patients recover their physical strength and energy quickly, A scientific and reasonable diet is essential, then, do you know what soup to drink during chemotherapy?

  1, Guiqi soup: Angelica 10 grams, raw astragalus 30 grams, decoction to extract juice, add pork slices 200 grams, cook until rotten, eat meat drink soup. It can cure mental insufficiency, fatigue, and paleness caused by deficiency of qi and blood.

   2. Ejiao porridge: Ejiao beads 10 grams, glutinous rice 100 grams. When the glutinous rice porridge is boiled to nine, add Ejiao beads to the porridge cooked food. The main function of this porridge is to nourish blood.

   3. Pork liver wolfberry soup: 200 grams of fresh pork liver slices, 20 grams of wolfberry seeds or 80 grams of fresh wolfberry leaves until the liver is cooked thoroughly. This soup can nourish the liver and improve eyesight, and treat dizziness and vision loss.

   4. Barley and white fungus porridge: 30 grams of barley, 5 grams of white fungus and 100 grams of rice. Tremella soaked in soft wash, wait till the nine barley porridge is ripe and add to cook, season it. This porridge nourishes the yin and strengthens the spleen, and treats burning and discomfort in the stomach and anorexia.

   5. Blood fungus soup: 200 grams of goose blood, 10 grams of fungus, boiled soup, seasoned with oil, salt and MSG. Suitable for white blood cell decline after chemotherapy.

  Mushroom foods such as shiitake mushrooms, mushrooms, and agaric are rich in polysaccharides, or polysaccharide-based nutritious foods, such as Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides, thin brand capsules, etc. It has a wonderful effect on improving the body''s cellular immune function, and can also suppress or eliminate cancer cells.

  During chemotherapy, eat nutritious food and eat light foods, such as fruits and vegetables, these two foods contain a lot of vitamin C, which can prevent constipation, improve immunity, prevent cancer, etc. The effect is conducive to recovery after chemotherapy. Food should be diversified, and those that are low in fat, high in protein, multi-vitamins and easily digestible should be selected. Do not eat spicy, fried, irritating and other junk foods.

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