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"Medicinal tonic" is not as good as "food tonic" diet health is an important cornerstone

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-19

  Combining physique, examining meal According to the individual''s body condition to rationally allocate meals. For example, healthy people should eat a light diet, and should not consume too much thick and spicy products. People with weak constitutions should eat more food with better supplementary effects on poultry, eggs, meat and milk, and eat cold vegetables and fruits. Those who suffer from chills, cold limbs, and fatigue due to yang deficiency , Should eat more lamb, dog meat, shrimp and other warm aphrodisiac food, avoid cold products such as snail, crab meat. People with yin deficiency and five symptoms of upset heat, dry mouth and dry throat should eat more vegetables, fruits and dairy products, and avoid spicy warm products.

  Eat a regular diet to ensure regular and quantitative meals, so as to chew slowly and maintain a pleasant eating mood.

Pay attention to hygiene Don’t eat spoilage, eat cold and cold foods, insist on gargle after meals, develop the habit of doing proper exercise after meals, and avoid eating and sleeping.

  Light and suitable, with meat and vegetables

  tunes the yin and yang Combined with the individual''s physical differences, through a reasonable diet to adjust the balance of Yin and Yang. For example, people often use soft-shelled turtle, turtle meat, white fungus, bird''s nest, etc. to nourish yin, nourish yin, nourish yin and moisten dryness, to fill yin deficiency; fill the marrow with mutton, dog meat, venison, shrimp, etc. to fill the marrow to fill yang deficiency.

  Reasonable diet and diet

   People’s diet should be adapted to their natural environment, such as people living in a humid environment, Should eat more spicy food in order to get rid of cold and dampness. The diet in different seasons should also be adapted to the climatic conditions at that time. For example, if the weather is cold in winter, warm foods should be used to increase the temperature and remove cold, and accompanied by hot products such as pepper, pepper, cinnamon, etc. to increase the warming effect . The summer climate is hot, so you should choose cold foods to cool down the heat. For example, you should eat millet and barley foods as the staple food, drink more mung bean soup, eat more fruits, watermelons and other cold foods.

  Physical identification, yin and yang tonic

  important cornerstone of dietary health

   dietary health: According to personal constitution type, by changing diet , Choose the right food to get a healthy regimen. Dietary health is also called "food nutrition" and "food supplement", which refers to the use of diet to achieve nutrition, maintain health or enhance physical activity. Medical doctors of all generations in my country have advocated that "medicine therapy is not as good as diet therapy". Dietary regimen not only nourishes the body and prevents diseases, but also delays aging and prolongs life.

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