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How to make female progesterone low

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-23

  The speed of network transmission is really fast. Modern people cannot do without the Internet. Today, I met several people who consulted me and talked about similar topics: What is basal body temperature? What tools can be used to measure basal body temperature most safely? How much does basal body temperature have to do with women''s health? How to supplement low progesterone? p>

   Speaking of body temperature, especially women''s body temperature affects women''s health.

  First, what is basal body temperature?

  Basal Body Temperature (Basal Body Temperature, BBT), also known as resting body temperature, refers to a person''s body temperature measured after sleeping for 6-8 hours, such as waking up from a deep sleep in the morning. The basic body temperature is measured on the premise that the body is lying flat on the bed. Body temperature measured when the body temperature has not been affected by exercise diet or emotional changes. Basal body temperature is usually the lowest body temperature in a day and night. Women''s basal body temperature, except when they are sick or under strong stress, mostly changes periodically in the range of 0.3-0.5 degrees Celsius. Measuring and recording basal body temperature every day can let women know a risk value of their bodies. Knowing this risk value (change in body temperature), you can grasp the state of the body, such as the ovulation period, physiological period, and easy pregnancy period.

  Second, what tool can be used to measure the basal body temperature most safely?

  Basic body temperature tester- MC-440 thermometer, female-only thermometer. The measurement accuracy is accurate to 0.01℃, and it is specially designed to measure the female body temperature. Large-screen automatic chart generation, can record 210 days of measured values, more convenient to manage the physiological cycle. Flat temperature measuring head suitable for oral measurement, backlight design, automatic alarm clock function, assist users to accurately grasp their basic body temperature in the morning, so as to more easily understand the contraception period and conception period, and manage women''s health.

  Three, how much does the basic body temperature have to do with women’s health?

  Healthy women’s body temperature has regular changes

  healthy women Your body will be affected by two female hormones, ovarian hormone (estrogen hormone) and luteal hormone (progesterone hormone), and there will be menstrual reactions within a certain period. Under the action of these two hormones, the basal body temperature will undergo biphasic changes in the "low temperature period" and "high temperature period".

  Four, what information can basal body temperature provide us?

  1) Pregnancy

   In fact, both basal body temperature and adult women Known as the "safe contraceptive method", it has also been used as a method of contraception. Because as long as the basal body temperature is measured, the ovulation period of the ovary can be grasped to some extent, and the time for easy conception can be calculated. In general, the period from 3 days before ovulation to 2 days after ovulation is easy to get pregnant. Women who do not want to become pregnant can avoid sex during this period. Conversely, if they want to become pregnant, they can get pregnant during this period.

   2) Changes in reproductive function such as ovulation or hormones

  Even if the basic body temperature is divided into "high temperature zone" and "low temperature zone", if the temperature difference between the two is less than 0.3 degrees, or High and low temperatures are not obvious, which may cause the ovaries to fail to ovulate. In addition, even if menstruation occurs, it may sometimes result in "anovulatory menstruation" due to non-ovulation or the inability of the corpus luteum hormone to secrete. When this happens, because the menstrual response is the same as in normal conditions, it is difficult to find the problem. At this time, the basal body temperature can provide us with accurate information for early detection of abnormal conditions.

  Through the change of basal body temperature, judge women''s physical conditions such as "Is the ovarian function normal?", "Can the corpus luteum hormone be secreted normally?" As mentioned earlier, the high temperature phase of women''s basal body temperature generally lasts 12 to 16 days, but if it is only 9 days, it is likely that the ovarian function is weak or there is abnormal progesterone hormone secretion "luteal insufficiency".

  How to supplement women with low progesterone?

  What does progesterone low eat? This is a problem that many women are more concerned about because women are pregnant during pregnancy The effect of low progesterone on women is becoming more and more obvious. Low progesterone can cause abnormal or irregular menstrual cycles, low body temperature, and non-ovulation. At this time, some progesterone needs to be supplemented from outside the body to meet the needs of women during pregnancy. So how to supplement progesterone with low progesterone?

  Progesterone is a hormone substance, this substance is A progestogen in women. Many women want to know how to improve if progesterone is lower, which is of course more troublesome for this problem. Because this is a hormone substance if it is not properly supplemented, it will cause side effects. So some women ask what is good about low progesterone, so here is a brief answer.

  Progesterone is the key to female pregnancy. If low progesterone levels occur, it will lead to female infertility. Progesterone is mostly low due to insufficiency of the corpus luteum, which leads to insufficient secretion of progesterone.

  So what is good to eat low in progesterone?

  Low in progesterone can eat natural soy isoflavones, soybeans and their products, such as soy milk, Tofu, bean curd, dried bean curd are good dietary sources and natural vitamin E, (wheat germ is rich in vitamin E, and it is also contained in vegetable oil. Eating the right amount of nuts every day also contains vitamin E, of course, simpler You can eat some vitamin E capsules for convenient intake, which must be natural. Properly eat some peach, strawberry, grapefruit, hawthorn, duck pear, kiwi and other fruits and vegetables containing pectin and dietary fiber.

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