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Eat grapes to fight aging

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-23

  The days are over today and tomorrow. How do you live today? What do you think and act in your heart! Nutrition experts teach us to eat vegetables and fruits every day. Have you eaten today? What did you eat today? Fruits? Every day I pay attention to what seasonal fruits are available in today''s fruit shop. I have seen very tempting grapes these days. Grapes are a good thing.

  The grapes are native to West Asia. It is said that it was brought to our country from Central Asia via the Silk Road when Zhang Qian left the Western dynasty in the Han Dynasty. His history has been over two thousand years.

  The nutritional value of grapes:

One of the biggest features of   : Resveratrol rich in grapes. This substance has strong anti-oxidation, anti-cancer, anti-cardiovascular disease, anti-radiation, anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic effects.

  The second feature: the polymerized proanthocyanidins rich in grapes. The health effects of these substances have received more and more attention, including extremely high antioxidant activity, anti-cancer, anti-mutation, anti-radiation, prevention of cardiovascular disease, promotion of tissue repair and skin improvement.

   grapes can be called the beauty king in the fruit world. Contains a lot of grape polyphenols, has antioxidant function, can block free gene proliferation, effectively delay aging; it also contains tannic acid, citric acid, has a strong astringent effect and soft moisturizing effect.

  Eating grapes without spitting seeds and skins?

  The grape skins and seeds are very nutritious, and the grape seeds contain a very rich antioxidant The anti-aging substance, called OPC, is 20 times as effective as Vitamin C and 50 times as much as Vitamin E, and when grape seeds enter the body, they are easily absorbed, with 85% bioavailability in the human body, enhancing human immunity and delaying Skin aging. Therefore, when eating grapes, eat the skin and seeds together. However, eating this way is more astringent. Many people can''t eat it. This is because it is difficult to digest and absorb after eating like this.

  Recommendation: Grape skin and seeds also contain large amounts of tannins and flavonoids, which have antioxidant effects. Pick up the grape skins and seeds and boil them together to drink water. The effect is good, and there is no waste of good things.

   The cosmetic effect of grapes: refuse skin aging! Effective anti-aging ingredients: grape polyphenols, antioxidant factors, lycopene.

  1, eradicate free radicals in the body, delay aging

  2, beautiful skin, whitening, light spots

  3, improve allergy symptoms

  4. Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

  5. Resistance to radiation

  Grape mask

   1. Grape mask: pound grapes Apply directly to face after rotten. This mask not only has a cleansing effect, but also has the effect of keeping the skin soft, smooth and delicate.

   2. Take out the grape seeds, leaving only the grape meat and grape skin, then use the juice machine to make juice, and then use the compressed mask to absorb it. After the grapes are juiced, you can also add a little flour and apply it on the mask paper.

  Purchase of grapes:

  If it is the grape of the current season, it is stored in non-reverse season:

  1. The single fruit is large, the whole string looks dense, purple and black, the gray film on the grape is rubbed off less;

  2. Looking at the fruit stalks, if the branches of grapes are fresh green, they cannot turn brown;

  3. Gently pinch the grapes, it''s too soft.

  4. taste. The grapes taste the bottom one first. If it is sweet, the whole bunch is sweet. Try it.

   Grape cleaning: There is a layer of white frost on the surface of the grapes, and some dirt is also adhered. The hands are heavy and washed, but the hands are not washed, what should I do?

There are three cleaning methods:

  Adding flour cleaning method: Put grapes in water, then put two spoons of flour or starch, don’t knead it hard, just Pour it back and forth, then sift it back and forth in the water. The flour and starch are sticky. It will bring down all the things you don''t want.

   Vegetable washing machine washing method: Put it in the vegetable washing machine for 5 minutes to clean it.

  Hand-washing method: The small running water under the faucet is the easiest and cleanest way to clean one by one, but it needs a little gentleness.

  It’s a good time to eat grapes, I recommend these Eat some grapes every day and give them to people who love beauty and health!

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