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Is it really toxic to eat instant noodles?

BY Berton Gladstone 2020-04-23

   Recently, there is a saying on the Internet that it takes 32 days to detoxify a packet of instant noodles. It seems that this legend is quite serious, but the legend is always a legend, and it cannot be so real. Perhaps someone casually uttered a quibble and exploded the pot. Some diners who often eat instant noodles are also anxious and frightened for a while, worrying about the increase of toxins in the body, living a tangled day, and solving the unpleasant pimples, which will be more harmful to health.

  Is there really so much toxin in eating a pack of instant noodles? It takes 32 days for the toxin to be released? Which person has done a lot of tests? Is there any exact data released? I haven’t seen it yet. Obviously exaggerated its harm. What are the disadvantages of instant noodles?

  In terms of nutrition, instant noodles are indeed not comprehensive in nutrition, even very simple, and have very high calories. For those who want to lose weight, it is really not recommended to eat. Food. The method of instant noodles is actually very simple. It is nothing more than steaming the refined white flour first, and then quickly frying it with palm oil to remove the fat attached to the surface, add the material bag, and then bag it. The nutritional value of fried instant noodles is actually flour plus fat, and there is no essential difference from fried pancakes. Usually the bread contains 18% to 22% oil and fat, and the protein content does not exceed 10%. It also contains a small amount of B vitamins and minerals, which come from flour. The rest is starch. After the instant noodles are fried, the content of vitamins and minerals in the finished product is lower than that in flour. The calories of instant noodles mainly come from fat, which means that the noodle cake is fried in a large amount. One gram of fat produces 9 kilocalories. A noodle cake usually contains 20 grams of fat, which is more energy than a bowl of 2 or 2 rice. Are high. There are a few non-fried instant noodles, some are sold directly as wet noodles, and some are hot air dried instead of fried and dehydrated. But the essence is nothing more than adding noodles to the noodles that have not been fried, and after adding the noodles, it is not a nutritious food.

  There is a lot of energy in the package

  The package of instant noodles usually has two bags, one is a liquid seasoning oil package, or a sauce with animal oil added Bag; the other is a powder bag made by mixing salt, umami and spices, seaweed and shrimp skin. If there is a third, usually a small amount of dehydrated vegetables.

  The first major ingredient in the convenient fabric bag is fat. If it is a sauce bag, the fat content exceeds 50%, and it is usually agglomerated at room temperature, indicating that it contains a high proportion of saturated fat. In the case of oil packs, usually more than 95% is fat, but mainly unsaturated fat. Powder packs, without exception, contain too much salt and a lot of umami.

  Most of the instant noodles are saturated fatty acids

  Of the edible oils, olive oil is the most expensive and is also considered the best, olive The special feature of oil is that its "unsaturated fatty acid" content is very high, this component can prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In contrast, those animal oils that taste delicious, and palm oil, which is cheap, are unremarkable because they contain more "saturated fatty acids", which have the characteristics of exacerbating arteriosclerosis.

   The difference between "unsaturated fatty acids" and "saturated fatty acids" is that the former has one or more "hydrogen bonds" in the chemical structure that are not yet saturated. This non-saturation increases its plasticity Once the oil temperature is too high when heated, or repeatedly fried, "unsaturated" hydrogen bonds will become "saturated" due to hydrogenation, and "unsaturated fatty acids" will become "trans fatty acids" that have been criticized by medical scientists. ", also known as "margarine", the previous advantages immediately became fatal flaws, "unsaturated fatty acids" after the "deformed" damage to the human body, far more than "saturated fatty acids." In other words, "margarine" is more harmful to the human body than natural butter. In the process of cooking hot oil, the higher the content of "unsaturated fatty acid", the more room for the production of "trans fatty acid" , The more likely it is to be "artificial".

   From this point of view, those fats with a high content of "saturated fatty acids" seem to be more "steady" than "unsaturated fatty acids", and their saturated hydrogen bonds are not left to the "reverse The opportunity to generate "fat fat" naturally leaves no gaps for further "contamination", which is why fried instant noodles and fried foods such as KFC and McDonald''s use palm oil instead of olive oil. Because palm oil is the most abundant type of "saturated fatty acid" in vegetable oil, because it is "saturated", there is no room for deformation, and it can withstand repeated frying, unlike "olive oil" that is easy to "deform" because of "unsaturated" ".

  Eat instant noodles to watch out for nutritional deficiencies

   Instant noodles are just a convenient and timely alternative when you can’t eat a normal meal, and can’t be eaten as a regular meal, Often is the first choice for business travelers, because it is convenient to carry. Instant noodles are just a staple food added with oil and salt, and cannot replace the nutrition of various foods such as vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, milk, etc. Frequent consumption can easily cause problems such as imbalanced nutrition and lack of various micronutrients.

   In addition, it is recommended that people who are busy working, if you want to use instant noodles instead of dinner, it is best to mix with vegetables and fruits, or add an egg or a small amount of soy products, the seasoning package should also be appropriate. The purpose of this is to improve the imbalance of nutrition in instant noodles. If you want to be healthier, safer, and eat less toxins, please take out the noodles in your own porcelain bowl to soak. If you add ingredients, the amount should be 1/3.

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